John Hume’s Book Launch
Released on: March 2, 2009, 6:19 am
Author: The Bogside Artists
Industry: Media
Friday last, saw the launch of a unique insight into the Bogside area of Derry, N.Ireland, and its people at The Bogside Artists’ studio. It takes the form of a unique book on the lives and work of three muralists called The Bogside Artists whose series of twelve full-scale murals on the theme of ‘The Troubles’ that ravaged the North of Ireland have become a major tourist draw. The People’s Gallery, the name given to this work by the artists, is also the title of their book. The murals stand as sentinels in the Bogside relaying to local and visitor alike the key historical events that impacted the city and the community of the Bogside in particular. It says much for the regard with which they are held in the community that all of them are in the same pristine condition as the day they were painted.

The first of them, known internationally as The Petrol Bomber, was completed as far back as the summer of 1994 and the last of them,” A Tribute to John Hume”, was unveiled in June of last year. During the unveiling a congratulation from Bono of U2 was read out that stated; “We have a saying here at U2 – whatever John Hume wants, give it to him.” Bono also took leave to draw a direct and accurate comparison between Martin Luther King and Mr. Hume.
Drawing extensively on the comments made on their work by world famous playwright Brian Friel, the Nobel Peace Laureate added that The Bogside Artists’ new book would make "an enormous contribution to the respect for and interest in our city. It will be of great interest to our visitors, both national and international, and I heartily recommend it."
Praise indeed from a man who once taught English Literature at St. Columb’s College in Derry where incidentally Brian Friel also was educated. The Bogside Artists were “deeply honoured” by the tribute and are justly proud of this authorized account of their turbulent lives. Tom Kelly, spokesman for the artists, responded to a studio full of journalists, political figures and VIPs that included Lady Fiona Hannon and her husband Peter; “Our admiration for John Hume needs no elaboration from us. He is The Bogside where he was born and raised and the esteem with which he is held in this city and throughout the world, even among those who do not share his politics, is inestimable and will never fade. We are honoured indeed to have him speak so well of us.”
Contact Details:
Tom Kelly, The Bogside Artists Studio, William Street, Derry City. N,Ireland.
Telephone; 028-71-373842