Secret Missions for Obama's New First Dog
Released on: March 17, 2009, 6:21 am
Author: Linda or Allen Anderson / Angel Animals Network
Industry: Media
The new White House canine will have an impact on controversial animal issues
while providing teachable moments for the responsibilities and benefits of family
Minneapolis, Minnesota, March 17, 2009 -- With every wag of
its tail the First Dog will accomplish secret missions for dogs
everywhere. The White House dog will teach the Obama children and their
counterparts in homes across America about compassion, responsibility,
and respect for animals while providing plenty of photo-perfect fun and
stress relief. But the dog has already sparked controversy and hope
among people who passionately care about animals. Allen and Linda
Anderson, best-selling authors of Angel Dogs with a Mission (New World
Library, 2008), say, "The Obama dog will fulfill its missions as the
nation's doggie trendsetter with every choice the family makes for
their new pet."
First, there was the issue of whether the Obamas would get a dog from a breeder or
adopt a rescue. Not everyone agrees that rescued dogs are the way to go. The First
Dog will have to earn high approval ratings to convince skeptics that oppose
bringing home a dog with an uncertain lineage or past. The Obamas settled that
debate by choosing a rescued Portuguese Water Dog, called Porties. Is this choice of
dog delivering the same message as the Obama campaign that anyone, regardless of
origin or parentage, can make it into the White House?
Next, pet pundits discussed whether Porties are a good representative of rescued
dogs since so few of their breed are abandoned. With an estimated 6 to 8 million
dogs and cats in animal shelters that euthanize 3 to 4 million annually, animal
lovers hope the First Dog will demonstrate that any type of rescued animal makes a
great family pet.
Other questions have been raised: Will the new dog be hypoallergenic enough and is
there actually such a creature as an allergy-free canine? Can a Portie protect Sasha
and Malia, or will the gregarious, happy-go-lucky dog be oblivious to danger?
Another secret mission of the White House dog will be to set an example for children
and pets by offering the Obama children a chance to experience what it's like to
have another creature depend on them.
The ASPCA's "Guide to Kids and Pets" on its website clues parents in on what to
expect children of various ages to do with an adopted animal. American Humane
Association states on its website, "We believe that one of the best ways to protect
children and animals -- and, on a broader scale, create a more humane world -- is
through humane education that teaches kindness toward other people, animals and the
In line with the axiom that children learn leadership skills and empathy by having a
pet, First Lady Michelle Obama has stated unequivocally that her children will do
the walking and poop scooping.
Children who implore their families to adopt a dog typically face the dilemmas of
how to keep up with responsibilities of pet ownership when juggling school
assignments and activities and thriving social lives. If Mrs. Obama succeeds in
keeping her high-profile children engaged in daily dog duties, parents can point to
the White House and say, "See? Sasha and Malia are taking care of their pooch."
One example of dogs having a mission to aid children is in Angel Dogs with a
Mission. Zoom, a Cardigan Welsh corgi, and Deb Richeson of Smithfield, Kentucky
began visiting a local elementary school and offering the dog's patient listening
skills to special needs students. Not only "Zoom's Kids" improved, but also the
entire school's reading test scores rose. Perhaps Sasha and Malia will read school
papers to the First Dog that they write at the desk in the Lincoln bedroom and be
encouraged by canine appreciation.
Some of the questions that will be raised about the First Dog are serious. The ways
in which the Obamas deal with the following issues are sure to send important
messages about responsible care to those homes that already contain America's 60
million dogs.
* Considering the pet food debacle, what will the First Dog eat? Organic pet food?
Wheat and corn-free? Vegetarian? What brands?
* Will the snow and ice-melting products used on the White House sidewalks be
* Does everybody know not to use cocoa mulch on the Rose Garden?
* Who is in charge of patrolling the premises so plants and foods that are toxic to
dogs - grapes, raisons, chocolate, onions, artificially sweetened products --
aren't at drooling-mouth level?
* Where will the Obama dog sleep at night? In the bedroom with the children or in a
crate somewhere else? Will it be the right size crate?
* Are the Obamas using biodegradable poop bags? It might sound like a funny question
but savvy environmentalists will want to know.
Then, there will be fodder for comedians and national news segments:
* Who will train the most famous dog in the world not to bite reporters or will that
lesson be discreetly skipped?
* Will the dog have a Secret Service code name? What should it be?
* Will the dog sport a diamond-studded collar and sleep on a $500 dollar doggie bed
as befits its celebrity status?
* When the Obama children have sleepovers, will friends bring their canines for
doggie night out?
* What famous person or figure from history will the dog dress as for Halloween?
* Who will be the official White House doggie photographer?
* Which dog toys will grace the gleaming and carpeted floors and new playground?
* Does the dog's name have ethnic or historical origins? Does it more creatively
top previous First Dog names such as Spot, Buddy, Millie, Lucky, Grits, Liberty,
Checkers, Him and Her, Feller, Heidi, Duke, Pushinka, and King Tut?
Allen Anderson sums up the First Dog's capacity for bringing about change by
saying, "Although the new White House dog might become a source of debate and
emulation, one of the dog's greatest missions is just to be the First Family's
pet. Relief will come when the Obamas engage in a tug-toy pull instead of wrestling
with the economy and other issues. For a moment, they can relax and forget the cares
of the day."
Hopefully the First Dog will unite more than divide us. After all, who can resist a
cute face and unconditional love? But the dog's greatest mission may be as a pack
leader for the two out of three American households with pets, so that all dogs will
have good and safe homes, even if they're not living in white houses.
Allen and Linda Anderson are pet experts and authors of a popular series of books
about the beneficial relationships between people and animals. Their new book, Angel
Dogs with a Mission (New World Library, 2008) is available in bookstores nationwide
and at Press Kit for Allen and Linda Anderson and
Angel Animals Network at
Contact Details: Linda or Allen Anderson
Angel Animals Network
POB 26354
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426
Phone: 952-925-3309
Fax: 952-925-4729