Sunwest Trust, Inc., Self Directed IRA Custodian Announces 19% Growth in 2008
Released on: March 17, 2009, 6:06 am
Author: Sunwest Trust, Inc.
Industry: Financial
Self Directed IRA Custodian, Sunwest Trust, Inc.,
which is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, defies economic odds by
growing by 19% in 2008 despite the recessive economy. Sunwest Trust
has diverse business interests and services self directed IRA and 401k
clients nationwide.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 17, 2009 - Despite the grim economic climate and the
receding value of the DOW, “Sunwest Trust continues to thrive and grow,” says Terry
White, Chief Executive Officer for Sunwest Trust, Inc. In 2008, Sunwest Trust
experienced their most profitable year in the company’s history and has grown by
nearly 19% during the recession. White attributes much of their 2008 growth to the
recent exodus from Wall Street, resulting from the daily fluctuations in the stock
market. He adds, “Investors are pouring out of the stock market because they are fed
up with the downward market free fall.” With the DOW down as much as 7000 points
since last June, many IRA and 401k accounts have seen negative growth and have
fallen by as much as 50%. As IRA holders see their retirement accounts
deteriorating, “they are eager to look for investment alternatives,” says White.
Indeed, Sunwest Trust is positioned to meet this need; Sunwest allows their clients
to invest in anything that is not specifically prohibited by the IRS code.
Basically, this includes anything other than life insurance and collectibles.
Although Sunwest allows clients to invest alternatively, White adds, “We strongly
encourage our clients to exercise thorough due diligence and speak with a tax
professional before making any alternative investments.”
Dustin White, Business Development/ IRA Specialist, suggests, “Our reasonable fee
structure and customer service have also had a hand in our success in 2008.” Sunwest
Trust IRA account fees have remained unchanged over the past seven years, and
according to Dustin, “we do not plan on raising our fees in the foreseeable future,
especially in this economic climate.”
Sunwest continues to provide outstanding service by managing their growth one client
at a time. “We strive to personalize our clients’ experience. For example, when
you call Sunwest Trust, you’re not going to get an automated voice answering system;
you’re going to talk to a real person,” adds Dustin.
“February 2009 was another record-breaking month for Sunwest, in terms of new
accounts received. All indications point to another great year for the company. We
grew 19 % last year, and I see no reason why we can’t top that again this year,”
says White.
About Sunwest Trust:
Sunwest Trust is an independently owned private company that offers self-directed
IRA custodian and escrow services. The company offers a huge range of financial
services providing post retirement benefits, private mortgages, real estate contacts
and other related fields for its clients. FDIC insured banks back the self directed
IRA funds of their clients. For more information on the activities of the company,
please visit
Also, you can learn more about Sunwest Trust by watching their self directed IRA
videos on Youtube.
Contact Details: Sunwest Trust, Inc.
Terry White
3240 D Juan Tabo NE
Albuquerque, NM 87176
Toll Free: 1-800-642-7167
Email: tlw(at)
Web Address: