Drug Rehab Mountainside Treatment Center Indentifies Common Misconceptions
Regarding Underlying Medical Risks Associated With Substance Abuse
And Alcoholism
on: May 29, 2009, 7:50 am
Author: Drug
Rehab, Mountainside, Treatment Center
Industry: Healthcare
Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center Mountainside announced has
identified common misconceptions regarding underlying and peripheral
medical risks associated with drug addiction and alcohol abuse.
Despite the volumes of information on these matters, there is
a seemingly large body of people unaware of the extent of the
danger that active addiction or alcoholism poses.
studies have shown that besides the immediate and obvious health
risks of being addicted
to alcohol or drugs, there are other medical problems that
can arise as a direct or indirect result of a person’s substance
abuse. It is common knowledge that an alcoholic is in danger of
cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease and pancreatitis. These
are the obvious ailments. There is also the risk for making poor
decisions such as getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.
This decision has the power to not only affect the substance abusers
health but also endangers the lives of others. What is not as
apparent are the risks associated with things that a person may
do when drunk that they would never do while sober; such as being
sexually promiscuous which can lead to conditions like HIV, AIDS
as well as a list of other possibilities. It is by addressing
these issues that the substance abuse treatment center helps the
individual suffering from addiction to recover and become educated
about the drug and alcohol rehabilitation process.
who abuse illicit
drugs are also at risk. For example, people who snort powder
cocaine are at risk for hepatitis. The risk comes from sharing
different pieces of paraphernalia associated with snorting, such
as straws or rolled up paper money. There is also the heroin user
who puts themselves at risk by sharing needles, cotton, water
or “cooking” devices. There is also the risk for IV
drug users for bacterial infections. Bacterial infections are
responsible for a large portion of hospitalizations of IV drug
users. The list of possibilities can go on and on. The point is
that besides the apparent risks there are countless other possibilities
that can change a person’s life and perspective on life.
Rehab is the best chance that someone has at regaining control
of their life and getting in control of their health. If you believe
that someone you know is an alcoholic or may be addicted to drugs,
the time is now to get them the help they need. Mountainside Drug
Rehab and Alcohol
Treatment Center has been helping people recover and educating
them on the dangers of addiction for over 12 years.
licensed and credentialed counselors and clinical staff includes
an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Psychiatric Services available
by specialists in drug addiction and alcoholism treatment. The
highly capable addiction treatment team is dedicated to providing
compassionate and quality alcohol and drug treatment. In these
hard economic times - Mountainside Drug Rehab is there to help.
Please contact the below number or visit it's Treatment Center
website at Drug Rehab Center (www.mountainside.org/drug-rehab).
If you or someone you love is in need of treatment please contact
us at: 800-762-5433
Contact Details: Drug Rehab - Mountainside
PO Box 717
Canaan, CT 06018