Health Profession Loan from Custom Loan SourceSM
Now Offered at Rocky Vista University, LLC through Education Loan
Source, Inc., in Partnership with Sterling Education Finance,

on: September 22, 2009, 5:13 am
Author: Education
Loan Source
Industry: Education
Diego, California - September 22, 2009 - Education Loan Source,
Inc. (ELS), in partnership with Sterling Education Finance, LLC
(Sterling) has announced its launch of the Health Profession Loan
(HPL) through ELS' Custom Loan SourceSM
Program for Rocky Vista University, located in Parker, Colorado.

Vista University, with students trained in osteopathic
medicine, has disbursed approximately $7MM in loan volume
since its August launch with pending disbursements of an additional
$7MM. "Our students are facing significant challenges in
paying for college since traditional financing options are becoming
more difficult to access," said Kathy Leary, Director of
Financial Aid at Rocky Vista University. "The HPL Custom
Loan Source Program provides our institution with the opportunity
to offer an alternative private loan program which specifically
meets some of the unique needs of our students."
Custom Loan Source Program is highly flexible and customizable
private education
loan that can be implemented quickly and easily. "Our
Program provides the ability for the school to choose the best
private loan product features for its students and their families
while meeting the school's needs and financial objectives,"
said Douglas Feist, Chief Executive Officer of ELS. "At
ELS, it is our mission to help schools find additional low-cost
funding options for their students and the Rocky Vista University
program is another example of that goal."
manages the entire HPL Program for Rocky Vista University from
product development and vendor relationships to loan portfolio
administration services. Servicing is performed by AES/PHEAA.
Chalker, Regional Vice President at Sterling Education Finance,
is the relationship manager for Rocky Vista and identified the
HPL Program as a product that could meet the school's short timeline
without sacrificing a competitive product for students. "Offering
the HPL Custom Loan Source Program creates a win/win situation
for Rocky Vista University and their students."
more information on the Custom Loan Source Program go to (
or call Pat Cook at (828) 335-1092.
Education Loan Source, Inc.
Based in San Diego, California, ELS is a wholly owned subsidiary
of National Lending Associates, Inc. ELS is a nationwide education
finance company focused solely on private student loan funding
and solutions. ELS's executive team has over 40 years of experience
in the student loan industry and is committed to providing excellent
product alternatives and a high level of customer service (
Sterling Education Finance, LLC
Sterling Education Finance, LLC is an innovative education
financing company dedicated to the larger mission of ensuring
access to education. Their product suite is designed to offer
financing solutions for every private K-12 school, career and
trade institution, college or university based on the institution's
unique needs as well as the needs of the students and families
they serve. They have a select group of origination, funding and
servicing partners and all products are fully supported by their
team of industry veterans.
National Lending Associates, Inc.
Sorrento Valley Road, Suite D
Diego, CA 92121
(858) 720-6817
(858) 720-6890
(858) 720-3817