FLABEG Solar U.S. Corp. Opens New Solar Mirror Plant With Greater
Product Range

on: October 30, 2009, 4:33 am
Author: Christiane Radwan
Industry: Industrial
Now on stream: FLABEG, global leader in high-tech glass and mirror
applications, is opening a new production facility for solar mirrors
which are used to help generate electricity at large-scale solar
power plants. The new 209.00sq.ft manufacturing facility is erected
in the Clinton Commerce Park near Pittsburgh International Airport.

The factory will have a annual capacity to deliver parabolic curved
mirrors up to 450 MW for PT plants. This production site is therefore
equipped to produce tempered solar mirrors in addition to the
established monoliths, untempered mirrors.
“Our philosophy has undergone no change, nevertheless we
want to be fully prepared for all possible changes in the law,"
commenting FLABEG CEO Axel Buchholz on the extended production
range. “We expect some federal states will introduce standards
for safety glass for Concentrated Solar Power applications. Our
core production will remain with untempered solar mirrors."
Field tests indicate a breakage rate of 0.027% for FLABEG untempered
solar mirrors. At such low levels breakage is not an issue.

“As always FLABEG continues to keep abreast oft he changing
demands of the market," says Buchholz. The facility will
in future also be home to thinglass applications for Solar Dishes
and Concentrated PV and also flat mirrors for Power Tower heliostats
and Linear Fresnel power plants.
founded in 1882, is an independent company with manufacturing
facilities in Europe, America and Asia. FLABEG is active in the
commercial sectors of automotive mirrors, solar glass mirrors
and technical glass, specializing in all processes of glass finishing,
and sets technological standard in terms of the company‘s
core competencies - bending and coating.
Contact Details: FLABEG Solar U.S. Corp.
Mr David Littau
2201 Sweeney Drive
Clinton Commerce Park
PE 15026
ph: +1 724 719 8529