EasySaver Program Discontinued After Walgreens Runs Complaint Free


Released on: November 24, 2009, 11:33 am
Author: EasySaver
Industry: Financial

Saving money has become the chic thing to do. Nowadays clipping coupons and bargain shopping is not only done by strange and eccentric people – it has become the norm for typical, everyday people as we do our daily spending. It seems the more you save the more you are envied and admired. This is partly due to the economy but it’s also due to the fact that we work hard for our money and we want to get the most for it. While bargain shopping may seem time-consuming and therefore, it’s less than appealing to many people, there are Easy Saver programs that are reliable and consistent. An all-time favorite of these plans was the program offered by Walgreens. But after a successful run the Easysaver program discontinued after Walgreens runs complaint free rebate and coupon plans for its customers.

In years past, shopping sales meant one was a smart and savvy shopper. All that was needed was to watch the newspaper and TV commercials to stay abreast of major sales. Friends and relatives of individuals that consistently saved money by shopping sales were envious of the savings achieved but making purchases wherever a sale existed did not interest them. It seemed like a lot of work and hassle even if it did save money.

Later, coupons became popular. Many manufacturers offered coupons on particular brands, which would provide substantial savings on specific items. While coupons are still used today, many people avoid their use because they are considered a hassle. After all, most coupons have to be clipped from a paper and can only be used for a certain item during a particular period.

Rebates are another form of savings that has become popular over the years. However, some people don’t like this system because it requires mailing in the receipt as proof of purchase, and then there is often a period of weeks before the rebate check is returned. In essence, rebates are often considered to be a lot of work for a small savings so they are anything but an EZ Saver plan.

Walgreens seemed to have the ideal system in place recently. It was called the EasySaver Program. This program was easy to use and offered great savings. It actually combined the concept of sales, coupons, and rebates, so it offered something for everyone. At the beginning of the month Walgreens would publish a small catalog of items that offered rebates. They also had coupons available for some of the items. Additionally, many of the items in the catalog would be on sale at some point during the month.

In the center of the catalog there was a single EZ Saver form for documenting any rebate items purchased during the month. At the end of the month the customer would complete the form and mail in the receipts. The process was simple and well-liked. People everywhere are questioning why this EasySaver program was discontinued as it ran smoothly and without complaints

Contact Details: Easysaver http://www.easysaverrewards.com/


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