The Cost of Obesity on Family Life

on: November 2, 2009, 5:44 am
Author: The
Hospital Group
Industry: Healthcare
with your children, relations with your partner or nights out
with friends – all something people take for granted, but
obesity can take away.
Real Cost of Obesity report found that those living with a BMI
over 25 begin to notice an effect on their relationships with
those closest to them, but at this stage few recognise it is their
weight which is dragging them down.
dietitian and Head of Weight Management Services at The Hospital
Group, Cirian Marie-Beddoes, said: “The team of dietitians
at The Hospital Group see people every day who didn’t consider
their weight to be the cause of the problems in their lives until
they were ranking well above the 30 BMI level.”
Department of Health has forecast by 2050, 9 in 10 adults will
be overweight or obese* – being overweight is now the norm.
“These people often feel terrible about themselves. Our
job is to nurture and nourish their love of food, a healthy balanced
diet and being socially and physically active.
real problem is that those 9 out of 10 adults are today’s
children. Without meaning to, some people in Britain are living
poorer lives and beginning to set their children on the same track.”
A recent report on the matter uncovered the following:
half (45%) admitted their weight prevented them playing with their
children and enjoying leisure with their family, with the top
five activities ranked as:
Swapping clothes
o Adventure sports
o Horse Riding
o Rollercoasters
o Bike Rides
a quarter (22%) admitted their children or family had hinted at
embarrassment or concern about their weight – with men experiencing
this more than women.
of the obese people questioned said their weight negatively affected
their ability to take part in leisure activities.
•22% of the obese people questioned said that their weight
had had a negative effect on their sex life.
of the obese people questioned said this had now had a knock on
effect on the relationship with their partner.
•Those who felt their weight didn’t stop them doing
any leisure activities was directly proportionate to BMI –
the heavier being the more affected (with only 30 severely obese
The Hospital Group is one of the UK’s leading providers
of cosmetic
surgery and gastric
bypass surgery experts. So whatever your requirements, you
can rest assured in the safe hands of the professionalism and
experience that THG has to offer.
The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has risen to become
the UK’s biggest weight loss surgery providers, performing
more gastric
band procedures
last year than the NHS. The Hospital Group is committed to providing
the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by
an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are
second to none.
For more information, key case studies or expert comment, please
Felicity Cross or Lucy Kemp,
or call on: 0121 616 5800