IC School Promotes Healthy Habits With Their Walk On Wednesdays Initiative

on: January 29, 2010, 12:23 pm
Macarena Palacios/ IC School
Industry: Education
The International Community School is one of the best known international school London has to offer. The institution
has recently stepped out of the classroom with their new Walk on
Wednesday program that involves all of their Primary Year students. The
initiative seeks to promote healthy habits and to teach the important
habits of keeping a regular exercise routine to avoid the health
problems related to obesity.

Childhood obesity has grown to be a major problem in several western countries. Kids
these days walk far less than the ones from the past generation and the statistics
regarding obesity are shocking. Walking is one of the most accessible forms of
exercise since almost anyone can do it. Thus taking daily walks can become the
foundation from which children can learn a host of other healthy habits and learn to
incorporate a proper diet and exercise in their lives.
Walk on Wednesday
The ICS has become a rather well-known independent school London because of its many projects that involve
more than just regular classes. The institution has a host of activities that
involves kids from all ages and that take the learning experience to new levels,
both inside and outside of the classroom. The Walk on Wednesday project is a perfect
example of these type of teaching methodology. The goal: to have kids exercise at
least once a week and teach them the value of keeping a regular exercise regime. The
implementation is simple - the school buses that usually take the children directly
to the institution drop them off at the top of Regents Park instead. There the
students are joined by a group of ICS teachers who then walk with them towards the
school. Each student shares the activity with his or her friends and the journey is
seen as an achievement that they make as a group.
Benefits of walking for children
1. Helps to build muscles and maintain a healthy bone structure
2. Helps children control their weight and prevents obesity problems
3. Reduces levels of stress, sadness and anxiety (as all exercise does)
4. Increases both flexibility and stamina
5. Improves mental feats of concentration and memory retention
6. Helps children sleep much better (as well as adults to a different degree)
Contact Details: 4 York Terrace East
Regents Park
London NW1 4PT
Tel: +44 20 7935 1206
Fax: +44 20 7935 7915