Invest in Life Insurance Now for Your Children
on: January 15, 2010, 3:31 am
Meha Ahmad,
Industry: Financial
Nothing is more precious to a parent than the guaranteed
protection of their children. Children’s life insurance is among the
most valuable protection a parent can invest in. It offers a variety of
benefits and is affordable. According to a recent article by, parents willing to spend several dollars each
month can obtain valuable coverage for their children throughout their
No parent wants to contemplate about the time when their child—whether they’re 8
months, 8 years, or 80 years old—will pass on. But it can be a very valuable and
wise to make the investment when it’s at its most affordable, according to the article, ‘Children’s Life
Insurance: A Solid Investment.’
There are many reasons to compare life insurance
rates for children, though parents may not want to think about any of them. Some
reasons include:
1. Funeral/burial costs. A child’s death yields some expensive funeral
expenses—bills you won’t want to worry about if you need to grieve. Burial costs and
grief counseling alone can range between $6,000 and $15,000.
2. It won’t cost much. Children’s life insurance can cost mere dollars a month. And
if you fix the rate at the earliest opportunity, your child could have life
insurance coverage throughout their life and benefit from such an amazingly low
3. Ultimate protection. “Life insurance can be hard to obtain for people with
unfortunate genetic traits or preexisting conditions. Investing in children’s life
insurance cuts the risk of your child being denied coverage later on in life if they
develop a disqualifying condition,” the article states.
Talk to a local life insurance agent immediately to discuss your child’s life
insurance options and the benefits of obtaining this coverage early in life.
Remember, the right children’s life insurance policy could end up providing funds to
put towards your child’s education, income, or their own family’s financial future.
Visit for more information, and to request insurance quotes from up to five local
Contact Details: Tom Lustina
435 North LaSalle
Chicago, IL
614 286 0193