Promethean Unveils Self Paced Learner Response System
on: January 28, 2010, 4:18 am
Industry: Education
Promethean, a world leader in the rapidly growing global
market for interactive learning technology, demonstrated the self-paced
learning functionality of its popular ActivExpression Learner Response
System at the British Education & Training (BETT) Show 2010. With its
unique ability to allow each student to work through question sets at
their own pace on individual handsets, while also allowing teachers to
instantly view progress via a 'teacher dashboard', the self-paced
learning proved an immediate hit with learners and educators of every
age group.
Using self paced learning, teachers can pose a series of questions to the class,
grouping them into categories, for example, by levels of ease. The system then
automatically allows a learner to progress to the next level of difficulty if they
correctly answer questions. Teachers can programme rules, determining the number of
questions a learner needs to answer correctly before they are moved up to the next
level or alternatively set the software to randomise questions and prevent learners
from conferring on an answer.
Alison Lydon, Head of Junior School Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
at The Mary Erskine and Stewart's Melville Junior School, was involved in a pilot
of the new self paced learning application. The response from the seven and eight
year olds involved in the trial was extremely positive: "We had great fun," said
Alison. "The children loved it, the ease of use was staggering, and the teaching
and learning potential was massive.
"The children really were able to work at their own pace. Questions appeared
quickly on their screens and children who were able to answer questions easily were
not held back by others who took longer. Children could progress to harder questions
when they were ready to, rather than when a teacher thought they should."
Margaret Allen, former teacher and Head of European Market Development at
Promethean, comments: "ActivExpression has proved hugely popular in education
environments. Learners respond well to the concept of 'texting in' answers from
personal handsets, and teachers have found it an invaluable assessment and inclusion
tool which enhances the communication and collaboration within the classroom."
The self-paced learning application is available to all users of ActivExpression
through an upgrade to the latest Promethean ActivInspire software (1.3).
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Notes to the editor:
* Source: Futuresource Consulting, an independent research company
About ActivExpression
The ActivExpression learner response systems feature an alphanumeric
keypad, allowing learners to respond using complete sentences, as well as numbers
and symbols, and it supports a wide variety of questions sets, including Likert
scales, free text and rank in order. The devices can be used at any point in a
lesson to assess group understanding, gauge opinion or initiate discussion.
About Promethean
Promethean - Lighting the flame of learning
Promethean's aim is to unlock the potential of human achievement in education and
training by creating, developing, supplying and supporting leading edge, interactive
learning technology like its interactive whiteboard combined with its
interactive whiteboard tools and by encouraging the growth of the world's largest online teacher community in
this field.
Beyond the classroom, Promethean provides comprehensive training and support and,
with over 500,000 members, the rapidly growing Promethean Planet is the world's
largest online community for users of interactive whiteboards and learning technology, providing user-generated
and premium content and is a forum for teachers to exchange ideas and experience.
PR Contact:
Tracey McLaine
Head of PR
Lower Philips Road
+44(0)1254 290 752