Award-winning Child Safety Website Offers Practical Solutions for Today’s Busy Parents

Released on = November 12, 2004, 5:48 am

Press Release Author = Kimberly Vetrano

Industry =

Press Release Summary = Award-winning child safety website offers practical
solutions for today’s busy parents.

Press Release Body = POMANO, NY—The April 2004 issue of Women’s Day magazine
acknowledged child safety ID products as one of “the best things to do with $10 or
less.” When it comes to keeping children safe, most would agree it’s a small price
to pay.

It’s no surprise then that people like Kimberly Vetrano, a mother of two, former
teacher’s assistant and peer counselor who is currently working towards a Bachelors
degree in Social Work, feels so strongly about this issue. As the site owner for
Child Safety and More, Vetrano knows child safety issues concerning today’s parents.
That’s why her website,, provides practical advice and
affordable solutions to protect children from the dangers of life in the new

“It only takes a second for a child to become separated from a parent, grandparent,
or child care provider,” Vetrano reports. “That’s why it’s critical to have a
child’s information immediately at hand to aid police officials in their search.”

Alarming statistics about the number of missing children can be frightening, but
parents can take steps to see that their children have proper identification,
thereby making it easier to locate them should the unthinkable happen and a child
become lost. Having a current photo, along with current height, weight, birthmarks,
and any medical conditions can save valuable time in the event of an emergency.

In addition, toddlers who cannot speak for themselves, as well as older children,
should have their name, address, and phone number readily available to emergency
personnel who may be called upon to treat them in an automobile accident or medical
emergency. “When responding to accidents, Emergency Medical Teams try to keep
children in their car seats for transporting to hospitals,” Vetrano said. “Car Seat
ID cards help to properly identify a child and allow hospital staff to call him or
her by name. An added comfort to a frightened child arriving in a hospital emergency

Child safety products such as Velcro ID bracelets, shoe stickers, car seat ID cards,
and medical release cards help everyone involved in caring for children. In this age
of high crime rates and near unending danger, they make practical gifts for parents,
and clever fundraising projects for day cares, schools, scouting groups, and sports

No one likes to think about tragedy affecting children. However, taking as many
precautions as possible may mean the difference when a child’s emotional and/or
physical survival is at stake.

For more information on Kimberly Vetrano or Child Safety and More


Web Site =

Contact Details = Kimberly Vetrano
220 Shady Brook Lane
Pomano, NY 10970-2464
Phone: (845) 354-0357
Cell: (845) 354-6793


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