Bucks County Pennsylvania Native Creates Popular Web Site Design and Search Engine Optimization Forums

Released on = November 18, 2004, 4:35 pm

Press Release Author = Cre8pc.com

Industry = Internet & Online

Press Release Summary = Philadelphia area single mother runs one of the top 5 web
site design forums on the Internet.


Philadelphia, PA -- Tucked deep into the lush green countryside north of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in an office with the appropriate wood stove and
cluttered filing system, the founder of Cre8asiteForums, Kim Krause, waits for
members of her team to wake up. There’s a problem. Okay a few of them. Ammon Johns,
her co-Administrator lives in the UK. Bill Slawski, her night owl other
co-Administrator, hails from the state of Delaware. Rarely does Kim make a decision
without first discussing it with her team.

“We learned early on that our Moderators in New Zealand and Australia were feeling
left out of some of our planning. This became a key to how we eventually came to
deliver the entire forums to members. To be creative, you need to listen to ideas
and take risks. You also have to wait for people to get out of bed and log on,” Kim

Launched just two years ago, on August 30, 2002, Cre8asiteForums has shot up to
become one of the top five of the Internet search engine optimization forums.

Once a small club hosted by Yahoo! and started in 1998, it was previously called the
Cre8pc Web Site Promotion Club. Kim Krause was then a newly divorced mother of two.
She freelanced in search engine optimization services at night while working in web
design during the daytime for such companies as Unisys in Blue Bell, and Verticalnet
in Horsham.

The decision to move the Cre8pc Club to a phpBB back-end forums type board thrust it
into the limelight almost instantly. The forums features experts in search engine
optimization and marketing and led the way to including usability design topics, web
site planning, Internet law and online business aspects of interest to ecommerce web

Shortly after launch, Pandia, in its yearly awards, issued a nod of approval.

"Look out for newcomer Cre8asite Forums which was launched in August 2002 by SEO
expert Kim Krause," wrote the owners of Pandia. (www.pandia.com)

Cre8asiteForums supports itself with revenue generated from sales of books and
products from its Web Resources Directory (Cre8asite.net), which members use for
further research via a link from any thread.

A Florida-based surveys development company called JustAskthem provides hosting and
server maintenance. Frenchtown, New Jersey, Vice President of JustAskThem, Alan
Runfeldt, is no stranger to virtual companies and 24/7 emergencies. It’s not
uncommon for him to be up all night with the Technical Administrators, one in the
USA, and the other in the UK, dealing with the server needs of large forums.
Rundfelt’s commitment to the forums is strictly “out of deep respect and friendship
for Kim”.

This is, after all, how things are done in friendly communities and small town USA.

“I think when people realize my roots, they appreciate these forums even more. I was
just laid off from Verticalnet and starting my own consulting business. There was
just no time to sulk or panic. Not with two kids to support! Whatever possessed me
to launch a worldwide forums, with round the clock unpaid volunteers from Canada,
the UK, New Zealand and Australia? I can walk into any store in Perkasie and nobody
knows who I am, but online, I’m known to thousands. “ laughs Kim.

From a small club of barely 200 members to an International Internet forums with
over 4000 members and rising, this luxury may not last.

For additional information:
About Cre8asiteForums:

Interview with Kim Krause, Usability and SEO Legend & Expert of Cre8pc.com:

Contact Information:
Kimberly Kopp Krause
Owner, UsabilityEffect.com
Web: www.usabilityeffect.com
Owner, Cre8pc.com
Web: www.cre8pc.com
Founder: Cre8asiteForums.com
Web: www.cre8asiteforums.com

# # #

Web Site = http://www.cre8pc.com

Contact Details = 1520 W. Park Ave.
Perkasie, PA




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