Facts About Jesus' Resurrection Lead Online Students to the Full Story
on: February 12, 2010, 5:55 am
Author: United Church of God
Industry: Education
Much misunderstanding and many questions surround the
crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Did Jesus die on Friday?
Was He resurrected on the Sabbath or Sunday? How did Jesus' enemies
explain His tomb being empty? To truly understand the full story of
Jesus’ resurrection, one must read all four Gospels together. It also
helps to have a study guide. The United Church of God – which traces
its origins back to Jesus’ Church of the first century, following the
same teachings, doctrines and practices – has created such a study
guide with “Jesus Christ: The Real Story,” available for free on its
website, ucg.org.
February 2010 – Understanding the Bible isn't always easy. The language, the
cultural references and the seemingly inconsistent accounts from book to book can
all cause confusion for a student starting out on the path to enlightenment. Jesus’
resurrection proves that He was exactly who He said He was, yet much
misunderstanding surrounds these events for students without the proper guide. The
United Church of God hopes to clear up the confusion with its online study guide,“Jesus Christ: The Real Story.”
The free online guide, found at ucg.org, tackles many misconceptions and questions,
• When did Jesus die? – The chronology of Jesus’ resurrection and crucifixion
becomes clear only when a student reads the four Gospels at the same time, and
corroborates between them. Luke, Mark and John offer what seems to be conflicting
information in their references to the Sabbath, but by understanding the differences
between the different types of Sabbaths, you understand that Jesus died on
Wednesday, which was just before a high-day Sabbath, and was resurrected on
Saturday, at the end of the weekly Sabbath. The chronology of Jesus’ Resurrection
and crucifixion are detailed in the study guide.
• Did Jesus’ enemies acknowledge that His tomb was empty? – Yes, they did, by
creating a lie to discount Jesus’ Resurrection. The Bible tells us that they bribed
the Roman soldiers who were responsible for guarding the sealed tomb, telling them
to say that the disciples (who would become the founding members of Jesus’ Church)
came and removed the body. The study guide points to an account in Matthew to help
students understand the events surrounding Jesus’ Resurrection.
In addition to “Jesus Christ: The Real Story,” the United Church of God offers many
other free study guides on its website. They include:
• What Did Jesus’ Church Believe and Practice? – The beginnings of Jesus’ Church are
documented by eyewitness accounts in the book of Acts. This study guide reveals many
overlooked truths.
• Modern Christianity’s Forgotten Roots – The practices of today's Christian Church
can vary greatly from Jesus’ Church – the original Church Christ built.
• Bible Study Tools: Twelve lessons make up this Bible Study Course, which helps its
students find biblical answers to crucial questions such as “Why are we here?” and“What does the future hold?”
All study guides on the United Church of God's website are free and available to all.
About the United Church of God: The United Church of God
traces it origins back to the original Christian Church, founded in the early
first century. The Church follows the same doctrines, teachings and practices
as the original Church, and it strives to educate all about Jesus Resurrection. In
addition to the many free online study guides – about the Sabbath and other topics –
students can follow the United Church of God on twitter.com/ucgia, become a fan
of the organization on Facebook, and watch video commentaries and excerpts from
Beyond Today programs on youtube.com/user/BeyondTodayTV.