Lloydspharmacy Study Reveals Worrying Results On Sexually Transmitted Infections
on: April 14, 2010, 12:03 am
According to a new study of sexual health from Lloydspharmacy
- 72% of men have never had an STI screen, compared to 62% of women.
Lloydspharmacy also found men were almost twice as likely to test
positive for certain STIs such as chlamydia.
13% of men buying chlamydia tests from Lloydspharmacy’s Online Doctor
tested positive compared to just six per cent of women.
The research from the community pharmacy chain
also found that men are placing themselves at greater risk of picking up an STI with 13% of men having had unprotected sex with more than one person over the last
five years, almost double that of women (7%).
With the research revealing that men are more reluctant to be tested but
significantly more likely to test positive than women, the findings fuel concerns
that men may be delaying testing until they are showing symptoms and that real rates
of infection are significantly higher than reported.
Although men are less likely to have had a face-to-face consultation for an STI
screen, according to Lloydspharmacy sales of tests online are split almost equally
between men and women. This suggests that men prefer the anonymity of the online
Through its Online Doctor service the community pharmacy chain has launched a postal
Platinum Test for men which screens for five genital infections; genital Chlamydia, genital
gonorrhoea, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and trichomonas. This confidential postal
service allows men to be tested and if found to be positive, treated without the
need to visit their GP.
"The lower rate of face-to-face testing and higher incidence of positive results
amongst men suggests that many men may be waiting until they suspect they have an
infection before getting themselves tested", said Clare Kerr, Lloydspharmacy's
head of sexual health. "This is particularly worrying as many STIs don’t have any
obvious symptoms, so men could be putting both themselves and their partners at risk
by delaying tests."
"Embarrassment is a huge barrier to testing and so we hope that removing the need
to see a GP or GUM clinic face-to-face will encourage men to test themselves
regularly. We can provide accurate tests for a wide range of genital infections
anonymously and discreetly through the Online Doctor."
Research conducted by ICM among 3001 adults over the weekend of 5-7 March 2010
Notes to editors
About Lloydspharmacy
Lloydspharmacy has around 1700 pharmacies across the UK. These are based
predominantly in community and health centre locations. The company employs over
17,000 staff and dispenses over 145 million prescription items annually.
Lloydspharmacy which is a community pharmacy has primary care at the heart of its
business. This is why it has launched a range of products aimed at improving
community health such as affordable blood pressure monitors and allergy relievers,
as well as a suite of convenient professional health check services including free
blood pressure and diabetes testing, and cholesterol and heart checks in the comfort
of a private consultation room.
Lloydspharmacy is the trading name of Lloydspharmacy Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary
of Celesio AG based in Stuttgart. Celesio is one of the leading trading companies
and service providers within the pharmaceutical market worldwide.
PR contact:
Claire Connolly
Press Officer
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Walsgrave Triangle
02476 432192