New Report Gives A Revealing Insight Into London Theatre Audiences
on: April 10, 2010, 12:09 am
A major new report provides a unique understanding into the
views of London theatregoers, their experiences of stage productions,
buying habits and opinions on the West End.
The "West End Theatre Audience" report, produced by the Society of London Theatre
in partnership with leading market research agency Ipsos MORI, answers questions
about growing public interest in London theatre.
In the survey, audiences at 37 different productions - plays, musicals, opera, dance
and entertainment - were quizzed about all aspects of their London theatre
experiences, including their views on booking fees, theatre facilities and TV
casting shows.
The survey also presents insight into the theatreloving public themselves, providing
information on where they come from, what they read, what motivates them to see a
show and how they book tickets.
As 2009 is confirmed as a record year for attendances, it's clear many more people
than ever before are visiting London theatre.
Initiatives such as Celebrate The Play and the increasing popularity of theatre-based reality TV shows have
ensured London theatre is currently enjoying boom times.
The report indicates that many theatregoers are committed attendees of the West End.
It reveals that the average number of visits per theatregoer in the last 12 months
is 6.4, with 80 per cent going more than once.
Other findings show that the public is enthusiastic about the theatre experience.
Across the audience profile:
• 93 per cent rated the performance they attended as very good or good.
• 83 per cent thought their ticket represented good or fairly good value for money.
As expected, there has also been a substantial increase in the number of
theatregoers booking tickets over the internet, rising from 17 per cent to 48 per
cent since 2003.
Commenting on the report, Richard Pulford, Chief Executive of the Society of London
Theatre, said: "This report will be required reading for anyone working or
interested in London theatre.
"The overall picture painted by the report is very positive. The London theatre
audience is not only growing, but evidently strongly committed."
Record box office figures
For the first time ever, box office receipts for London theatre topped the half a
billion pound mark in 2009 as record numbers of theatregoers attended plays,
musicals, opera and dance in the capital.
2009 was the seventh consecutive year that new records have been set, fuelled by
record attendances which passed the 14 million mark for the first time. However, it
is the size of the increases - achieved against a backdrop of economic recession -
which represent a stunning performance by the sector.
The "West End Theatre Audience" report provides insights that the theatre industry
can use to maintain the high standards of production and service currently being
enjoyed by London theatre audiences.
Copies of the 166-page report can be purchased from SOLT for £50 plus p&p. To order
call 020 7557 6700 or email
Contact Details: Bill Smith
12 Manhattan Business Park