Prudential Reports Retiring Brits Concerned For Health Not Wealth
on: April 14, 2010, 12:08 am
Prudential has revealed the results of a new survey* that
shows failing health tops the list of fears about retirement. The
survey found that people planning to retire in 2010 worry more about
ill health than having enough money to live on.
Two-thirds (66 per cent) of people approaching retirement fear their
health deteriorating, while more than half (55 per cent) worry about not having
enough money to be able to enjoy themselves or do the things they want to do. A
similar number (54 per cent) say they are concerned about the rising cost of living.
Women appear to worry about their health and money more than men. Almost
three-quarters of women (71 per cent) are concerned about their health deteriorating
as they get older, compared to 62 per cent of men.
Karin Brown, director of pensions and annuities at
Prudential, said: "In reality, people need to be equally as concerned about their
money as their health in retirement, particularly women, as we know from our own
research that women get less in their pensions than men. It's totally
understandable that people would worry about their health worsening as they get
older but without having sufficient money to enjoy retirement and actually keep
healthy, there is little to gain from worrying about health.
"There is a direct link between financial security and health and so if you are
well prepared financially for your retirement and put yourself in a position where
you can live comfortably and have enough money to keep you going, then your health
is less likely to be an area of serious concern. You don't have to be super-rich
to enjoy a financially secure retirement. It just takes a bit of careful planning
and the earlier you start the better."
Notes to Editors:
The information contained in Prudential UK's press releases is intended solely for
journalists and should not be used by consumers to make financial decisions. Full
consumer product information can be found at
* Survey conducted by Research Plus between 3-10 December 2009 among 6,073 UK adults
aged 45+ using an online methodology.
About Prudential:
"Prudential" is a trading name of The Prudential Assurance Company Limited, which
is registered in England and Wales. This name is also used by other companies within
the Prudential Group, which between them provide a range of financial products
including life assurance, pensions, savings and investments and a tax calculator. Registered Office at
Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH. Registered number 15454. Authorised and
regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
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