Hospitals Sponsor a Mommy Blog for the Merrimack Valley

on: May 05, 2010, 2:35 am
Dan Dunlop
Lowell General Hospital and Floating Hospital for Children at
Tufts Medical Center are sponsoring The Merrimack Valley Moms Blog
Contest from May 3, 2010 to May 24, 2010. All area mothers are invited
to enter. The contest will culminate with four moms winning $250 each
and being selected as featured mommy bloggers for the Merrimack Valley
“Moms today value exchanging ideas. Whether it’s the newest kid-friendly
restaurant, a book review, or advice on work-life balance, they love to share with
other mothers. We want to help with that. Through the Merrimack Valley Moms Blog
we hope to connect local moms with one another and facilitate the sharing of
information that they value,” says Michelle Davis, Lowell General Hospital’s
Director of Marketing Operations and Community Development.
In addition to the bloggers chosen from the community, another four bloggers will be
selected from Lowell General’s employee base. With Lowell General and Floating
Hospital for Children as the two sponsors of the blog, readers can expect to find an
abundance of helpful health information as an important ingredient in the forum’s
To enter the contest, visit Lowell General Hospital’s Facebook page and become a fan
by clicking the Like button. Upload a video or post a short essay on why you’d be a
great mommy blogger. If your post is persuasive- whether it’s funny, touching or
engaging, you could be one of four area moms selected for a $250 prize and the
opportunity to become a Merrimack Valley Moms featured blogger. To enter go to
Each featured blogger will write at least one post a month. The topics will vary
greatly, depending on the personalities of the bloggers and their range of daily
experiences in the community. Some of their blog posts will come in the form of
video posts. The bloggers will meet in person every other month at ‘blogger
brunches’ to share ideas and brainstorm upcoming topics.
The Merrimack Valley Moms Blog will provide a forum to share views, experiences and
tips with area moms. Of course, dads are welcome to read the blog as well! To visit
the fledgling Merrimack Valley Moms blog, go to
“Our mission is to provide an essential resource for Merrimack Valley moms,
leveraging the popularity of online mommy blogs. We definitely plan to include
health information for busy moms, as well,” says Davis.
About Lowell General Hospital and Floating Hospital for Children
Among the fastest growing hospitals in Massachusetts, Lowell General has a vision to
become one of the best community hospitals in America. Lowell General partners with
Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center to bring high quality,
Boston-level pediatric and maternity services to Greater Lowell and Southern New
Hampshire. Floating Hospital for Children is a patient- and family-focused tertiary
care center for children. Combined, Lowell General and Floating form the region’s
leading pediatric and maternity care center.
Contact Details: Dan Dunlop, President & CEO
Jennings PR
104-A North Elliott Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Phone - 919-929-0225
Fax - 919-968-8278