New Discount Grocery Service Helps Masses of People Save and Make Money

on: May 10, 2010, 11:14 am
Howie Arzt
Industry: Consumer
New Discount Online Grocery Service offers Low Price
Guarantee, Free Shipping on brand name items and monthly cash for
referring others. Members save big money on their groceries and make
money in the process.
New exclusive guaranteed low price grocery service is helping people all across
America save big money on groceries, make money ... and, do both without ever
leaving their home.
This cutting edge service is just like a Sam’s Club or Costco, only completely
online with free shipping, and ... members earn residual income when they refer
others to the service.
Members can purchase brand name products, save as much as 30-80% off retail prices
and have them delivered free right to their door. They also save on time & gas by
eliminating the need to drive to the store, wait in checkout lines and pack and
unpack groceries from the car. Members simply place their order safely and securely
online, then answer the door when their groceries arrive.
In today's difficult economy people are looking for ways to save money and earn
extra cash. For those looking to make money from home Discount Groceries are the
ultimate product to market as everyone has to eat and feed their family. Since this
service is needed by millions, people all across the USA are earning residual income
simply by helping others save money on their grocery bills.
For a limited time, in addition to saving and making money, new members receive a
$500 3 Day/2 Night Las Vegas Vacation and a highly effective Viral Marketing System
absolutely free, just for trying the service.
It is a true win-win situation as members save big money on their groceries month
after month and earn money in the process. Learn more by visiting or call Howie Arzt at (802) 648-9002 for more
Contact Details: (802) 648-9002