Exonerated Man Greg Taylor, And Attorneys Involved In Freeing Him, Honored
Exonerated Man Greg Taylor, And Attorneys Involved In Freeing Him, Honored

Released on: June 20, 2010, 3:30 am
Author: NCAJ
WILMINGTON Gregory Taylor, an innocent man wrongly-convicted of murder in Raleigh , and the attorneys involved in his 2010 release, have been honored with the NC Advocates for Justice (NCAJ)'s prestigious Kellie Crabtree Award. The award was presented to Greg Taylor; Raleigh criminal defense attorney Joseph B. Cheshire, V; then Public Defender Maitri "Mike" Klinkosum; and Christine Mumma, Director of NC Actual Innocence Commission. The award was presented at NCAJ's annual convention currently being held at the Hilton Riverside in Wilmington.
The Kellie Crabtree Award recognizes clients and attorneys in cases that make a real difference in protecting people's rights. Gregory Taylor spent 16 years in prison for a murder conviction that was based partly on incomplete lab test results until his case was reviewed by the North Carolina Innocence Commission.
The NC Advocates for Justice also presented the Honorable I. Beverly Lake, Jr., former Chief Justice of the NC Supreme Court who founded the North Carolina Actual Innocence Commission, with a Special Award recognizing his contributions to justice.
The NC Advocates for Justice (NCAJ) and its 4,000 members are dedicated to protecting the rights of all North Carolinians. NCAJ provides continuing legal education for lawyers aimed at enhancing the quality of the legal profession, offers public education programs aimed at enhancing public access and understanding of the legal system, amicus briefs for the appellate courts, and advocacy work at the legislature in the areas of criminal and civil justice. The association has served its members for over 45 years.
CONTACT: CEO Dick Taylor, (919) 274-4937 http://ncaj.com

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