Summer Heatwave - Use the RASH Guide

on: June 11, 2010, 03:35 am
Sam Baker
Industry: Travel
Each and every summer, the emergency services are called to
trails and walking spots across the country to aid walkers who are
suffering from heat exhaustion or heatstroke. Leading discount outdoor
clothing specialists,, has launched their
new safety guide – RASH. The guide simplifies a 4-point-plan which can
be easily picked up by anyone this summer. RASH is easy to remember and
simple to put into action.
1. REST – If you or a member of your walking party begins to feel ill or unwell,
stop immediately and move to a cool shaded place. If you decide to continue, do so
at a slower pace than before and keep a watchful eye on your friend or self.
2. AIR – Loosen any tight clothing and temporarily remove any items you can
(t-shirt). If there is a breeze, stand against it, as this will help draw heat away
from the body and help you cool down quicker. Place any clothes you may of removed
against the breeze too, as when you put your clothes back on, they will be cooler.
3. SIP – When aiding either a friend or yourself with a drink, remember it is
important the drink contains no alcohol or caffine, as these will only add to the
dehydration. As tempting as it may be to finish a drink off by gulping it down,
remember to sip the drink slowly so your stomach is given enough time to process the
fluids efficiently.
4. HELP - If whoever is ill still shows no sign of sufficient recovery, call for
help immediately. Heat exhaustion can lead to heat-stroke which is some extreme
cases can be fatal.
Ian Brookes, founder and managing director of said: “The RASH
guide is aimed at everyone who is out and about this summer. With forecasters
already suggesting we may be in for a heatwave, the guide aims to give some quick,
easy and memorable advice to anyone who needs it.”
Brookes also highlighted having the appropriate outdoor clothing as a measure of also
staying safe. “Simple tricks like wearing a hat will keep your head cool and also shade your eyes
from the glare of the sun. Light coloured clothing will reflect rather than absorb
the sun’s heat, whilst wearing walking shoes with proper ankle support with make for
a safe and comfortable walk.”
Outdoor Look are a UK based supplier of discounted outdoor clothing, offering an
extensive range of quality garments at unbeatable discounted prices. provide a complete range of lightweight summer walking clothing
which will help walkers keep cool in the heat, from brands such as Regatta and
For more information visit
Contact Details: OutdoorLook t/a Brookes (UK) Ltd
PO Box 352
SK11 0WA