The Children’s
Mutual Reveals Dads Are Number One Hero For Kids

on: June 30, 2010, 9:09 am
Author: The Children's
Industry: Financial
Children's Mutual has revealed that Dads, and not footballers or pop stars,
are the number one hero for kids aged between five and seven for the second
year running.
annual UK poll by The Children's
Mutual has revealed that although Dads have topped the list of heroes, mums
will be disappointed as they have fallen from the number two spot last year,
to number three in 2010.
if Dads want to top the list again next year, they can't afford to rest on their
laurels just yet. They face strong competition from fictional characters such
as Ben 10, Spiderman and Hannah Montana. Interestingly, there are four new entries
in the top 10 this year, with teachers coming in at number five, the ever-popular
Cheryl Cole at number six and Granddad at number nine. Those to fall out of
favour in 2010’s top 10 include Gabriella from High School Musical, Power
Rangers, Dora the Explorer and Sporticus.
Anderson, Marketing Director at The Children’s Mutual, said: "Since
last year, Dads have continued to inspire their children and have held on to
the top spot to be their number one hero. Dads have beaten off stiff competition
from great fictional characters such as Doctor Who and Ben 10 which is a huge
Mums and Dads feature high on the separate lists of heroes for boys and girls,
other entries vary greatly. Action heroes such as Batman, Spiderman and Power
Rangers are all admired by boys along with footballer Steven Gerrard (the only
footballer to make the top ten). Extended family is a high priority for girls
with both Granddad and Grandma making into the top 10. But popular female stars
reign with Hannah Montana taking top spot, followed by Cheryl Cole at number
four and Gabriella from High School Musical at number six.
in 2005, Child
Trust Funds were designed to provide a tax efficient, long term savings
for eligible children. Eligible newborn children (born on or after 1 September
2002) received a £250 Child
Trust Fund voucher (£500 for low income families) from the government
when their parents registered for Child Benefit. The government then makes a
second contribution of £250 (£500 for low income families) when
the child reaches seven. Parents, family and friends can all then add to this
account up to a maximum value of £1,200 each year. The proposed changes
to the CTF
will mean that for existing customers the accounts remain as before, with an
annual tax-efficient top up allowance of £1,200, albeit without the Government's
additional contributions from 1 August 2010.
Ends -
to editors:
Research from The Children’s Mutual and undertaken by BDRC during March
2010. 1200 parents of children aged between five and seven were polled.
The Children's Mutual - Home of the Child Trust Fund
The Children's Mutual's mission is to help parents, grandparents, family and
friends fulfil their hopes for today's children. The Children's Mutual is the
only UK company that specialises in long term savings for children and is now
the choice of one in four parents for their child's Child Trust Fund, with nearly
825,000 accounts. This expertise has led several financial institutions and
family-focused high street retailers to choose The Children's Mutual as their
stakeholder Child Trust Fund provider.
The Children's Mutual PR contact:
Kate Mallett
Consolidated PR
22 Endell Street
020 7781 2376

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