– Leading Agrotechnology Event Comes To Bangalore In August 2010



Released on: July 12, 2010, 12:50 pm
Author: Lek Boonlert
Industry: Agriculture

Agritech India, known locally as Bangalore Foodex, will bring trade and consumers to Bangalore’s Palace Grounds in August, with the city’s hoteliers expecting increased bookings

The important South Indian agricultural trade show Agritech India 2010 is slated to open on 30 August and will run till 22nd, attracting a large number of exhibitors, trade visitors and consumers and boosting bookings at Bangalore hotels. The show is being held at the city’s Palace Grounds.

The event is aimed at strengthening the commercial impact of agriculture on the sub continent by showcasing modern practices and technological advancements and improving marketing skills. Opportunities for networking and long term business associations are attracting exhibitors to the event.

With trade shows of this type attracting a high number of visitors as well as exhibitors, booking a room at a cheap Bangalore hotel close to the venue can be difficult usually fill up fast. Trade attendance at the show will include international and domestic visitors from a cross the spectrum of manufacturing, processing, packaging, retail, wholesaling and farming sectors.

India’s strong business focus brings millions of travellers to all its cities year round, which suitable local hotel accommodation often stretched to the limit by last minute arrivals, according to online booking agent One way to avoid an unsuitable hotel location is by booking ahead online.

Lek Boonlert,’s marketing head, comments, “Exhibitors at trade shows such as Agritech India mostly prefer hotels close to the venue to avoid long travelling times. Industry events tend to drive up demand at local hotels before and after as well as during the expos themselves”.


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For further information please contact Lek Boonlert:

Tel: + 66 (0)76 241 145



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