Homeschooling: The Fastest-Growing Form of Education in the U.S.

Released on: August 25, 2010, 6:34 am
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
As school systems around the country kick off their new school
years, homeschooling is establishing itself as the fastest growing form
of education.
Gray, TN, August 25, 2010 — It appears that in the U.S., homeschooling is the
fastest-growing form of education, according to independent research conducted by
organizations ranging from the National Home Education Research Institute
(, a nonprofit research and educational organization, to the federally
funded National Center for Education Statistics (
Let’s take a look at some of the evidence:
• “Homeschooling grew from 1.7% of the school age population in 1999 to 2.9% in
2007, a 74% relative increase over 8 years,” states Dr. Brian D. Ray of the National
Home Education Research Institute (NHERI).
• A 2008 study found that “an estimated 2.0 to 2.5 million K–12 children were home
educated in the U.S. during mid-2008,” statistics that were also confirmed by NCES.
• Last week, in their local news coverage, Chattanooga’s News Channel 9 reported: “In the last decade, the number of homeschoolers has far more than doubled,
according to the Department of Education” (WTVC-TV, August 13, 2010).
The increasing popularity of homeschooling should not come as a surprise.
Homeschooling, a term referring to “parent-led, home-based education,” is now
bordering on “mainstream” in the United States. In a 2008 article, stated: “If homeschooling continues to grow at 7–12% per
year for the next 5 years, we could see the percent of homeschooling students
increase to 5 million, which is about 10% of the total children in K–12 education.”
“Homeschooling high school is no longer uncharted territory . . . . There are a
multitude of homeschooled graduates who are bearing fruit in the workplace, in the
military, in their families, and in colleges across the country,” 9 states the
Home-School Legal Defense Association, an organization whose purpose is to “defend
and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their
Gena Suarez, publisher of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, is not at all surprised by
the increased popularity of homeschooling: “During the past thirty years,
homeschooling families have proven that parents can do a better job than the public
school—socially and academically. Homeschooling works; everybody wins.”
As the homeschooling movement continues to expand, and as graduates from among their
ranks assume positions of leadership and responsibility in the United States, our
nation will be watching. Most citizens would agree that our nation is in desperate
need of wise, well-educated leaders: men and women of integrity, curiosity,
strength, and courage. The fact that homeschooling is the fastest-growing form of
education in our country may just offer our nation that hope we’re looking for.
About The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine: Soon to celebrate their
10-year anniversary, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is recognized as the premier
magazine for homeschoolers. Their Fall 2010 issue will focus on higher
education, featuring articles that discuss dual-credit programs offered by
colleges and preparing teens for today’s job market. This professional
publication offers approximately 200 pages of information, inspiration, and
encouragement to homeschooling families around the world in each quarterly
issue. View a sample issue here:
Michelle Eichhorn, Director of Marketing
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC

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