The National Trust Opens Tom-Foolery At Wimpole This August
Released on: August 18, 2010, 3:02 am
Claire Graves
The National Trust is opening Wimpole Home Farm for its tenth
Tomato Festival on the 21st and 22nd August, allowing tomato
enthusiasts to see, smell and taste over 50 different varieties of one
of Britain's best loved fruits.
Varieties which are available for sampling will include 'orange strawberry', a
heart-shaped, deep orange tomato with a strong and sweet taste, and 'black zebra',
a deep burgundy tomato, with a sweet, juicy taste.
Tomato experts will also be on hand to offer advice and encouragement to visitors
interested in growing and enjoying home-grown tomatoes, and there will be many
stalls and games for visitors to enjoy.
Philip Whaites, head gardener at the National Trust's Wimpole Hall, said: "The
Tomato Festival has become really popular over the last ten years.
"Tomatoes are a wonderful, diverse fruit which can be easily grown in a sunny spot
in your garden.
"We'll have expert growers on hand to offer advice, and there will be new recipes
for visitors to take away to try."
One such recipe is a tasty Wimpole tomato and basil ice cream, created by Paul
Massingham, the National Trust's catering adviser for the region.
He said: "It sounds odd, but this concoction tastes delicious. There are always
more creative things you can do with tomatoes, they're so versatile."
The restaurant at Wimpole will also be selling an array of tomato inspired recipes
for visitors to enjoy through the weekend.
The tomato festival at Wimpole runs from 10.30am to 5.00 pm on Saturday 21 and
Sunday 22 August. Normal admission prices apply.
- ends -
Editors notes:
About National Trust:
The National Trust is involved in the whole food chain, with 500,000 acres of food
producing land, over 150 restaurants and tearooms, and historic kitchen gardens,
orchards and mills. The charity has community growing spaces - from allotments to
kitchen gardens - at over 50 locations around the country and is increasing these
annually. These spaces inspire the Trust's 3.8 million members, 60,000 volunteers
and visitors to think and learn about food glorious food and encourages the idea of grow your own produce. The
National Trust is creating 1,000 new allotment plots on its land in the next three
years to give local communities the space to grow their own fruit and vegetables.
More than 30 different outdoor days out activities from canoeing
to surfing and rock climbing to walking take place on National Trust land. With
more than 250,000 hectares of countryside and 710 miles of coastline across England,
Wales and Northern Ireland there are plenty of places to visit and opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors with the National Trust.
For further press information or images please contact:
Claire Graves
East of England press office
Westley Bottom
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 3WD
01284 747557

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