Quick Payday Loans Unveils Ground Breaking Impartial Payday Loan Reviews Website

Released on: October 18, 2010, 3:23 am
Chris Thomson
Industry: Financial
QuickPaydayLoans.org.uk is a website dedicated to providing
impartial information to applicants and consumers within the payday
loans industry to allow them to make more informed payday loan
applications. This service has been launched to address the increasing
demand in this sector for impartial information on payday loan lenders.
The Glasgow based website has launched its product offering into the
market with a view to encouraging payday loans consumers to use the
service as a vehicle through which to promote their experiences with
particular payday lenders within the UK. The main target audience for
the website are the same consumers that payday loan companies try to
target – young, technically savvy individuals on the lookout for more
consumer-orientated information on the payday loans sector.
The main driving force for the website however is its payday loan reviews section and in
the first month of being live, this section of the site has turned into a hive of
activity with consumers eager to voice their concerns and opinions on the many payday lenders reviewed on Quick Payday Loans. The launch of QuickPaydayLoans.org.uk
has also prompted a number of users to email the Administrator of the website, Chris
Thomson, to congratulate him on the effort put in so far.
“Payday Loan Consumers have been crying out for a viable and impartial resource
through which they can learn more about the various lenders vying for business
within the sector”, says Chris. “Quick Payday Loans has been set-up based on a lot
of careful research into the sector and we have strong ambitions to expand the
service outwards and encourage wider participation through providing networking
opportunities both on- and off-site”.
Quick Payday Loans has been live for nearly two months and has seen a significant
increase in traffic in a relatively short space of time. It has garnered a lot of
attention within the sector due to its consumer-orientated approach and plans are
afoot to launch a significant expansion strategy in the next few months.
Contact Details: admin@quickpaydayloans.org.uk, Quick Payday Loans, 450 Hickman
Street, Glasgow, G45 8BG, 0141 585 4769

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