AAA Attorney Network Announces New Debt Relief Attorney Network and Injury Doctors Network. What will they think of Next?

Released on: December 01, 2010, 6:34 am
AAA Attorney Network
AAA Attorney Network, the leader in Attorney referral services
since 1996 has three new Networks to offer potential clients. The new
Debt Relief Attorney Network covers loan modifications,foreclosure
defense and Bankruptcy. All the networks are unique in the specific
legal category or preference they target . According to Lisa Spitzer
the brainchild" Having numerous networks increases the chances on the
search engines" People like specialists and google is pushing
relevance. The Injury Doctors Network will be launched shortly. Each
network will link to specific networks for each state. There is a
Jewish Lawyers network,Injury Lawyers Network and criminal defense
network. The future plans include a Women Lawyers Network and a
Hispanic (Spanish speaking) lawyers network. There is also a practice
management component.
This is a new and interesting concept. I believe what we have here is an Association
of Networks. What an interesting concept. According to Spitzer" the networks where
chosen based on the analysis of caller requests observed over the years. There are
some very specific preferences callers have" This is a new concept in lawyer and
medical marketing.
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for more information contact us at 1 877 669 4345

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