The Exercise Myths
� Sit-Ups Won’t Give You A Six-Pack And Could Leave You With A Pot Belly
Released on: December 02, 2010, 7:09 am
The Hospital Group
Industry: Healthcare, Consumer Services
There are still many popular misconceptions about how to lose weight or tone up stomachs, bottoms and thighs - with exercise routines left over from the days of 'go for the burn' aerobics and Jane Fonda-style videos.
Sit-ups have traditionally been thought of the best way to tone stomach muscles - but this might not be the case. Firstly, lots of sit-ups or crunches alone won't tone a flabby belly - you need to combine any exercise with other exercises as well as eating a balanced diet. Sit-ups also target the most superficial 'six-pack' core muscles, but too many of these will cause the tummy to bulge out, leading to a pot belly.
Those trying to lose weight often believe that exercising for longer periods of time will lead to increased weight loss. But exercising hard for a long time will produce excessive amounts of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which begin to break down muscle tissue.
High-intensity exercise is good for heart health, but not effective for fat loss. Studies have shown the best way to burn fat is by carrying out moderate to light-intensity exercise, such as a brisk walk.
Those who are finding it hard to shift stubborn fat, should come for a consultation with an expert surgeon at The Hospital Group.
The Hospital Group offer a range of cosmetic procedures to help people achieve the perfect body, including tummy tucks and liposuction, as well as weight loss surgery, including gastric bypasses, balloons and bands.
David Ross, Chief executive of The Hospital Group, which has 19 clinics across the UK said: “People who come for a consultation have often been trying to beat the bulge through various diets and exercise regimes for years, but many do not have access to knowledge to make a lasting difference.
“At The Hospital Group our consultants ensure that, as well as having an absolute need for the procedure, the patient understands that surgery isn’t a miracle cure and they would need to work to achieve the healthier lifestyle they desire.”
“Getting a little help to make you look and feel your best can make a huge difference to the way you feel. It can help you feel more confident and allow you to lead a much fuller and happier lifestyle.”
Contact Details: Gavin Smith 0800 019 9727

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