What is the Best Way to Lose Weight? - One of the Topics that Inspired eMedToday

Released on: December 14, 2010, 6:52 am
Graham Player PhD
eMedToday was launched to provide crucial information on health care. This series of
websites, hosted by prominent health professional, Graham Player PhD, will deal with
many important health issues, the first being weight loss and the importance of the
effects it provides for a healthy lifestyle.

(San Diego, California) December 14, 2010 - eMedToday is a new series of web sites
that will address many health care issues, the first being, "What is the best way
to lose weight ?" The site will be supervised by Graham Player, PhD who holds a
Doctoral Degree in Health Science.
Graham Player PhD is the author of many books and internationally recognized for his
work including "Everybody's Health-Time to Reap the Benefits of East and West"
and "Disease and Diagnosis for the Acupuncturist". The web sites will be
authoritative web sites that will contain content specifically chosen to help those
who need information and solutions.
Weight loss is a problem of astronomical proportions in the U.S. alone. Nearly 64%
of Americans are overweight and 325,000 deaths each year are directly related to
obesity. The problem does not just concern adults; children are being affected as
well. All of this has led to a multi-billion dollar weight loss industry.
eMedToday contains a variety of weight loss tools, tips and books all designed to
provide the best information on "What is the best way to lose weight ?" In
addition, the website will provide users with natural weight loss methods that
include healthy food and exercise.
eMedToday will be launching the first website on weight loss but in the coming
months there will be a variety of health topics in many areas including skin
problems, heart problems, allergies, Alzheimer, diabetes and cancer.
eMedToday will be a trusted authority in the weight loss and other areas where
people can access useful information.
As an added bonus, Graham Player PhD will introduce an extremely helpful eBook, "The Diet Solution Program" by Isabel De Los Rios. Ms. De Los Rios is considered
an expert by Graham Player PhD on nutrition and weight loss. Fifteen years of
research have gone into the book and the results that many are experiencing by
utilizing the solutions outlined have been overwhelmingly positive.
If you need to lose weight and are concerned about your health and "What is the
best way to lose weight ?" is a question you want an answer for, please visit http://www.whatisthebestwaytoloseweightquickly.com/ and get all the information
needed to help you lose weight the safe and natural way.
Contact Details: Graham Player PhD
17000 Via Loma Dr, Poway, CA 92064-2147

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