Big Mountain Pharmacy Launches a New Blog: Blogging the Drugs

Released on: February 24, 2011, 6:25 am
Estella Wong
One thing that has often been lacking from online Canadian
pharmacies is information. Not only about the drugs on sale themselves,
but also about illnesses and general news on the medical industry such
as regulation and equipment.
That is what triggered Big Mountain Drugs to start their health information blog,
which is now fully up and running on their website offering articles packed with
information about common illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, erectile dysfunction
(impotence) and acne. Not only that, they have also released articles giving useful
information to help with particularly common issues. These include helping patients
with poor eyesight by giving tips on how to identify medication safely, and giving
family and friends of patients’ advice on how to tell the difference between
dementia and depression.
Information like this is extremely valuable to patients, as they can learn more
about the drugs that they are taking and the conditions that they are taking them
for. The knowledge to patients increases safety as they can easily spot the symptoms
of complex or potentially dangerous illnesses, and learn how to deal with the issues
that come with many conditions. Blogging the Drugs from Big
Mountain pharmacy, which can be found on their website, now lists many informative
articles to help their customers. All of the information is free, and is written by
medical professionals giving accurate and interesting information and facts.
One customer said: “Blogging the Drugs from Big Mountain pharmacy is extremely
helpful and I’ve discovered a lot of new things about my illness that I didn’t know
before, including information about the drugs that I am taking so that I can keep an
eye out for side effects. It makes me feel much safer that I have more knowledge
than I did before”.
Big Mountain Drugs commented “We wanted to add value to our customers by allowing
them to make more informed decisions. Although they cannot buy most of the drugs
without a prescription, it still gives them the opportunity to learn about the drugs
that they are prescribed by their doctor so that they can speak with their doctor if
they have any concerns. It also helps them to learn about their illnesses so that
they can be aware of any issues such as symptoms of their conditions”.
One concern however, is that online Canadian pharmacies as of recent times, are no
longer allowed to advertise on Google unless it is in their own country, which will
mean that many people searching for information on drugs online will not be able to
find the blog unless they live in Canada if they use Google to search for it.
You can join the blog on Facebook (bigmountaindrugs) and Twitter
(bigmountaindrug), some of the
most popular social networking sites so it is always very easy to connect and check
out any new information that is issued by Big Mountain Drugs. They also post videos
on Youtube and you can subscribe by RSS feed so that you get information in new
articles as soon as they are posted online.
Big Mountain Drugs is a leading online Canadian pharmacy offering quality
Canadian drugs for your health and wellness. Blogging the Drugs is launched to
presents latest healthcare news and articles.
Contact Details: Estella Wong, Marketing Department
Big Mountain Drugs
Phone: 778-218-2670
Visit Website:
Visit the Blog:

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