Cut-Price Pizza Hut Deals Help Brits Dine Out on a Budget with

Released on: February 9, 2011, 9:14 am
Simon Terry
Food & Beverage
Online consumer vouchers site offers up deals for families to
dine out with bargain deals this month
09 February 2011 – People looking to have a meal in a top restaurant this month can
enjoy pizza on a budget thanks to the new offers for saving at Pizza Hut on offer
from online codes website UK consumers are always able to
enjoy the latest bargain deals at over 500 UK restaurants and stores. is home to deals to help people get bargain offers at
numerous retailers, and the new Pizza Hut discount deals are perfect for helping people enjoy getting savings on evenings out this month. At
present consumers are able to log on to the website and get hold of a deal for Happy
Hour - a Pizza Hut main course, side and drink for just £5 from 3pm till 6pm, Monday
to Friday.
Shoppers can save further on dining out this month thanks to the latest Pizza Hut discount offers,
and the new deals being offered by the site presently feature
a deal for getting 2-4-1 main meals at a local Pizza Hut. Also on show is a deal for
a free Scratchcard when buying any medium or large Pizza Hut pizza.
Simon Terry, spokesperson for, comments, “Saving money on top
names and brands never goes out of style and this month the
website is home to some fantastic Pizza Hut deals for helping
people to save on a fun meal out.” features money saving offers from both major high street
brands and specialist retailers, including stores such as Tesco, Marks & Spencer,
Sainsbury’s, Travelodge, First Choice, and Boden.
For more information visit
About features the latest money saving offers from a growing range
of retailers, all updated in real time. Designed to help consumers save money with
both leading high street brands and specialist retailers,
offers one of the widest choices of discounts available.
Part of ASAP Ventures Ltd, the company behind the award winning
price comparison site, is committed to offering a growing
range of the best savings available online.
Media Contact
Simon Terry (Asap Ventures Ltd)
0845 871 2069

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