Payday Express, One Of The UK's Leading Online Payday Lenders, Recently Launched A New Website To Improve The Customer Experience When Applying Online For Payday Loans
Released on: February 04, 2011, 6:38 am
Payday Express
Payday Express, one of the UK’s leading online payday lenders,
recently launched a new website to improve the customer experience when
applying online for payday loans.
The company has redesigned its website with the aim of
making the online application process more straightforward and quicker than ever
A major part of the design brief also focused on transparency, as Payday Express aim
to make their product offering and all charges as clear as possible upfront to
customers looking for payday advance loans. Along with various articles providing general information, they have
added a repayment calculator to the Home Page, allowing customers to see exactly
what they’ll need to repay if they take out a loan.
The application process on the new website has been improved, enabling customers to
apply for a loan and receive an approval decision within the space of a few minutes.
The company, however, remains committed to responsible lending. Ashleigh Preston,
Marketing Manager at Payday Express said, “Whilst we are focused on making our loan
application and approval process as quick as possible, to meet our customers need
for fast cash, we are also careful to carry out various checks to assess
affordability. We also promote responsible borrowing from customers, encouraging
them not to apply for a loan if they are not completely sure they will be able to
repay it on payday.”
Another crucial balance that Payday Express ensures is maintained with their online
application is between enabling genuine customers to apply quickly and easily, while
having sufficient identity verification and fraud prevention checks in place to
correctly assess the identity of their applicants and wield out fraudsters.
“We always have a dual pronged approach to any development and design that occurs on
our website; we need to assess credit worthiness and verify identity, but also
provide a fast and simple way for genuine customers that have a temporary credit
need to apply for same day loans.” said Ashleigh.
For further information contact: Ashleigh Preston

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