New Study Shows ER Visits Soar Due To Ecstasy

Released on: March 30, 2011, 8:13 am
Mountainside Drug Rehab
Industry: Healthcare
WASHINGTON DC- A study recently released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) showed that emergency room visits due to the abuse of Ecstasy soared 75 percent between 2004 and 2008.
Ecstasy, a well-known party drug of the 90's, is once again growing in popularity. Over sixty-six percent of the emergency room visits were made by young adults aged 18 to 29 years old.
The growing abuse of this party drug is alarming, begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . Data from studies such as this one helps us know where to re-focus our efforts. At times we tend to become complacent, thinking that we have rounded a corner on curbing the use of a particular drug. We must remember that even though a drug's popularity comes and goes, we must still be ever vigilant in educating teens and young adults on its dangers.
Ecstasy is known to produce psychedelic as well as stimulant side effects, such as high blood pressure and elevated body temperatures. It's a drug that is often used at parties (raves) and is a popular drug of choice for spring break. Although ecstasy trails six other drugs in ER admissions, it is crucial that the dangers of this drug be conveyed to teens and young adults.
Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is highly skilled in assisting families put their lives back together when affected by alcohol or drug use. And, for the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get and to remain sober.
The compassionate, caring treatment team at Mountainside is comprised of licensed and certified counselors and social workers as well as a Nurse Practitioner and a Registered Nurse, both of whom have specialization and extensive experience in drug addiction and alcohol treatment. For clients who may have psychiatric issues and/or a dual diagnosis, Mountainside provides the services of a Psychiatrist who also has specialization in addictions. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment over the past 13 years, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.
The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Waters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.
If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, or if you have any questions, please contact Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center for a confidential inquiry at 800-762-5433.

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