Brainwashing Book Readers Prepared For Stock Market Correction --- Again!

Released on: June 09, 2011, 12:50 pm
Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars
"The Brainwashing of The American Investor", now in its
second edition, provides you with a proven methodology for successful
personal investment portfolio management. Step by step instructions for
asset allocation, security selection universe creation,
diversification, and profit taking are presented in an anecdotal
manner, based on the Author's hands-on professional experiences.
Author and former private investment manager Steve Selengut developed the Market
Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) methodology in 1970, way ahead of the Wall Street
product development curve that has now succeeded in bringing the most speculative
and risky ventures on the planet into your investment portfolio.
MCIM is a disciplined, common sense, approach to investing without needless
speculation. It is an approach that semi-automatically takes your profits out of
bubbling markets, and for all the right reasons, re-enters weaker markets
systematically in preparation for the inevitable "next" rally.
"The Brainwashing of the American Investor" teaches you about old-school investing
without gimmicks, derivatives, incomprehensible "modern portfolio management"
techniques, funds of funds, or astrological charts.
The Market Cycle Investment Management methodology helped navigate thousands of "Brainwashing" book readers around and through the three major financial crises
(stock market meltdowns) of the author's lifetime: the "Crash of 1987", the "Dot-Com Bubble", and the recent "financial crisis".
The first time through "Brainwashing" you'll learn about Wall Street, and why
they would prefer that you didn't read the book in the first place. Your eyes will
be opened by the simplicity of the security selection process, the no frills
approach to sensible asset allocation, and the ease with which you can increase your
annual investment income in a reduced risk environment.
The second time through, you'll be taking notes, establishing some simple
spreadsheets, looking at and correcting the weaknesses in your current portfolio,
and setting off in a new direction that will have you tuned in to what the market
cycle offers --- for fun, for profit, forever.
Contact Details: 3912 Betsy Kerrison Pkwy
Johns Island, SC 29455

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