Reveals the Vehicles Most Likely to be Stolen in the UK
Released on: August 16, 2011, 5:14 pm
Financial has revealed the UK's most frequently stolen
vehicles and has teamed up with Michael Fraser, an ex-burglar, to help
drivers keep their vehicles from being stolen.
The least stolen car, based on's customer data, is the Ford Ka3 with
no incidences of theft among 9,070 owners between 2004-2011. The Toyota Yaris is
the number one most stolen car with a 0.41% incidence of theft. This means that car
thieves drive off with approximately one in every 244 Toyota Yaris'. Data looking
at claims from 2004-2011 showed experts at that after the Toyota Yaris,
The Volkswagen Touareg (0.39%) (1 in 256); Volvo XC90 (0.27%) (1 in 370); Porsche
911 (0.24%) (1 in 417) and Seat Altea (0.23%) (1 in 435) are the next most stolen
The least stolen cars based on's customer data is the Ford Ka3
followed by the Chevrolet Matiz, Suzuki Ignis, Hyundai I10 Comfort and Nissan
Skyline which all have tiny theft rates of 0.02% (1 in 5000) or less.
Car insurance specialists at have
interviewed security expert and ex-burglar, Michael Fraser, to get a picture of what
car owners can do to avoid losing their car to a thief. Motorists can access
Michael's tips and a video on how to beat car thieves and keep cars
safe by visiting the website.
34 years ago, Michael stole cars himself, choosing the Ford Capri and Bedford vans
due to the fact that they were relatively easy to take. Michael Fraser now advises
on which vehicles thieves might target, and his advice includes a look at how new
technology is affecting car theft.
Michael said: "The best way to keep your vehicle safe is to put a tracker on it,
wheel locking nuts, a sticker saying the vehicle is alarmed, keep the inside tidy,
keep the car locked, the windows shut and everything out of sight."
About was the UK's first price comparison site for car insurance. is one of the biggest and most popular price comparison services.
Launched in 2002, it generates over one million quotes per month. It has expanded
its range of comparison products over the last couple of years to include home
insurance policies, travel insurance, pet
insurance, van insurance, motorbike
insurance, breakdown cover and
energy, as well as financial services products including credit cards, loans,
mortgages and life insurance. is not a supplier, insurance company or broker. It provides a free,
objective and unbiased comparison service. By using cutting-edge technology, it has
developed a series of intelligent web-based solutions that evaluate a number of risk
factors to help customers with their decision-making, subsequently finding them
great deals on a wide-range of insurance products, financial services, utilities and
more.'s service is based on the most up-to-date information provided
by UK suppliers and industry regulators. is owned by the Admiral Group plc. Admiral listed on the London Stock
Exchange in September 2004. is regulated by the FSA.
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