The Uses of Leadership Tests and Management Training
Released on: September 14, 2011, 4:01 pm
Author: Mike Wilson
Human Resources
The biggest complaint about most management training efforts is that they are not measurable or quantifiable. There is often no way to know if an organization is creating effective leaders or not. Indeed all that often happens after many such efforts is that the people in the classes fade back into the company and disappear.
This can be avoided by applying effective leadership tests. Leadership testing involves identify potential leaders and surveying those who have taken the leadership training to see if it is effective. One of the best tests is to see the graduates of past management training efforts have actually taken on management roles.
Another is to survey them and see if they are actually putting the techniques, strategies and skills they learned in the training sessions to work. At the same time you can ask if those methods actually work or not and what results they have achieved in the real world.
If no discernable effect is detected you can assume that the training efforts have failed. If the results are negative you can also assume that you have failed. Yet you may also determine that some techniques work and some don't.
This way you can decide which techniques are appropriate and which are not. In some cases, you may learn that only part of your training has actually worked. In others you may see that it has come close and failed. You might also learn which training is appropriate to your organization and its people or not.
A final leadership test that you can apply is to do an employ survey asking what leadership or management skills are lacking in your organization you might be surprised. You might learn that managers are not communicating with workers or that managers are unsure of what to do.
Once you do that you can redesign your training efforts in order to produce the results that you actually want.
Contact: Mike Wilson

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