Nutrition Experts Come Together For Roundtable At The Royal Society Of Medicine
Released on: November 11, 2011, 6:41 pm
Monique Cockerill
Friday 11th November 2011
Nutrition experts come together for roundtable at the Royal Society of Medicine.
AmeriSciences AS10, the first ever super-league multivitamin and nutritional formula
developed from joint research with NASA and the Johnson Space Centre, will be
available off the shelf in the UK from today. Key figures from the field of
nutrition attended a roundtable at the Royal Society of Medicine, including the
Institute for Optimum Nutrition and The Nutrition Society, to discuss how the AmeriSciences AS10 range of products will pave the way for the next generation of breakthrough
technology in nutritional supplementation.
Six years of ground breaking research with NASA and the Johnson Space Centre has
also indicated the potential of AmeriSciences AS10 formula to provide daily
protection from low level radiation exposure. The findings, published in the
Radiation Research Journal, reveal the potential of this multi-nutrient cocktail to
combat the effects of stressors such as radiation, and prolong life in subjects
exposed to those stressors.
Space Act Agreement 2005
In 2005, AmeriSciences and NASA and the Johnson Space Centre entered into a Space
Act Agreement to develop nutritional supplements for astronauts to meet the needs of
long-duration spaceflight as well as conditioning here on Earth. In 2009, the
resulting AmeriSciences and NASA formulas were used and tested aboard the Space
Shuttle and International Space Station with positive and exciting results.
Says Carlos Montesinos, AmeriSciences Director of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs,“The AmeriSciences AS10 product line poses a significant challenge to the current
supplement market. Indeed, the strength of the antioxidant and multivitamin formulas
have been so significant in testing that it will change the way nutritional
supplementation is viewed in both the scientific community and general population.”
What is it?
AmeriSciences AS10 is a powerful antioxidant and anti-ageing liquid beverage,
comprising a unique formulation of only 100% fruit and vegetable-derived
ingredients, including the new ‘superfruits’ acai, cupuaçu and acerola sustainably
sourced from the Brazilian rainforest. AmeriSciences AS10 is also part of a wider
range of nutritional supplements including AS10 Life multivitamin; derived from the
same joint research with NASA and the JSC for achieving optimum nutrition.
AmeriSciences AS10 product line provides a reassuring ‘safety net’ of vitamins and
minerals essential for maintaining optimum health and one of the Government
recommended ‘five-a-day’ portions of fruit and vegetables. The range includes an
oral solution and tablet food supplements and the price reflects six years of
research, with the solution retailing at £120 a month and the multivitamin tablets
at £27.
Who is AmeriSciences AS10 for and how is it taken?
AmeriSciences AS10 formula, which comes in a wine-bottle shaped container, is
designed for anyone feeling run-down, with hectic lifestyles or susceptible to
nutritional deficiencies. Recent case report studies conducted at independent sites
have demonstrated positive effects on skin health, including significant reduction
in wrinkles, age spots and UVA damage. The solution is taken twice daily in 60ml
doses, equivalent to four tablespoons. AS10 life is a combination of vitamins,
minerals and phytonutrients in a tablet form.
An industry leader in its research and self-imposed quality standards, AmeriSciences
requires that its supplements maintain a minimum of 95% dissolution rate compared to
a 50% estimated market average and 75% USP requirement. Carlos Montesinos adds,“AmeriSciences’ AS10 line is just another way in which AmeriSciences is pushing the
technology of the industry forward for the benefit of the consumer.”
Where is it available?
AmeriSciences products are only sold through independent AmeriSciences distributors.
The Harley Medical Group is one of the major UK stockist for AmeriSciences AS10 and
the further range of nutritional supplementation products developed from joint
research with NASA and the Johnson Space Centre. AmeriSciences AS10 is available
through the Harley Medical Group online at and at any of
their 31 clinics nationwide.
Industry response
Dr Duncan Gould, GP, Men’s Health Expert and consultant pharmaceutical physician,
said: “As a doctor, I am excited by the joint research and results on AmeriSciences
AS10 with NASA and the Johnson Space Centre. The outcomes to date are insightful
and demonstrate a prevention of the negative effects of radiation in mice by
improving mortality rates: I look forward to seeing any similar data that may emerge
from studies in man. The translation of such data into the human setting may have
the potential to impact upon the way oncology patients are treated in the future and
may have a positive impact upon individuals who have been affected by radiation
contamination, and are at high risk in the future.”
Says Bernice Berry, Associate Director of Training and Personnel Development, The
Harley Medical Group, major distributor of AmeriSciences AS10 in the UK, “Before
patients have cosmetic surgery they need to be in peak physical condition � as with any surgical procedure � and the AmeriSciences AS10 products will be invaluable in supporting our patients� pre-operative preparation and post-operative recovery. For our non-surgical patients optimum nutrition is paramount as this is reflected in their outward appearance; glowing skin, strong hair and nails and an energy boost are just some of the benefits seen by our patients following use of these products. Many are particularly excited about the anti-ageing properties of range, which compliments our non-surgical treatment options.
Notes to editors:
NASA breakthrough technology
A 2011 study from researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute found
that AmeriSciences’ formulations jointly developed with NASA for use by the
astronaut programme, effectively improved the survival of animal subjects, and
ameliorated the lethal effects of radiation. These findings demonstrate that
AmeriSciences products can offer beneficial cellular protection against even the
most extreme sources of environmental stress. Multi-centre, double-blinded,
randomised, placebo-controlled human subject clinical trials are currently under
way, and a follow-up study to be carried out at the International Space Station is
currently being evaluated.
A long-duration exploratory space mission can expose humans to cosmic radiation,
posing a threat to astronauts and the future of the human space programme. As a
result, NASA and AmeriSciences have worked together in developing nutrition-based
technologies that can act as countermeasures to the damaging effects of oxidative
stressors. The ground-breaking study, commissioned by NASA-Johnson Space Centre;
carried out by the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute’s Department of
Radiation Oncology; and published in the Journal Radiation Research, set out to
assess the formula’s effectiveness in terms of protecting and extending life when
subjects are exposed to extreme oxidative stress, in this case in the form of lethal
levels of total body radiation.
About AmeriSciences:
AmeriSciences, LP is a privately held company headquartered in Houston, Texas
specialising in premium quality nutritional products. AmeriSciences’ current
domestic and international products are built on the philosophy of exceeding
industry standards in quality, safety and effectiveness. AmeriSciences provides
products in the areas of lifestyle nutrition, men’s health, women’s health, weight
management and sports performance.
The Harley Medical Group is the UK and Ireland’s largest cosmetic surgery provider,
performing more procedures and with more clinics than any other cosmetic surgery
group. It has been established since 1983 and is one of the most highly-regarded
Cosmetic Surgery Groups operating in the UK. It has treated over 450,000 patients to
About The Harley Medical Group:
The Harley Medical Group works tirelessly to maintain the highest standards in the
industry for the benefits of all cosmetic surgery and non-surgical patients. We are
currently at the forefront of the campaign to ensure that the Government continues
to regulate the use of certain laser types used in cosmetic surgery and non-surgical
treatments so that patients are protected from rogue practitioners.
In 2004, The Harley Medical Group’s Chairman Mel Braham, at the request of the
Department of Health became a member of the department’s Steering Committee, set up
to oversee the introduction of new regulations covering the entire Cosmetic Surgery
sector. All of The Harley Medical Group’s clinics are registered with the Care
Quality Commission. There are now 31 clinics in the UK and Ireland: London (Harley
Street, Wimbledon, The City, Chiswick, Finchley & Watford), Marlow, Birmingham,
Leeds, Brighton, Bristol, Manchester, Newcastle, Chester, Nottingham, Southampton,
Cardiff, Chelmsford, Dublin, Northampton, Cambridge, Maidstone, Belfast, Reading,
Sheffield, Liverpool, Bromley, Glasgow, Guilford, Cheltenham and Leicester.
The Harley Medical Group is renowned for introducing and pioneering most new
surgical and non-surgical techniques to the UK and Irish markets, such as Aesthera
PPx, Laser Hair Removal, Cool Touch, and Silk Touch Lasers, Collagen for lines and
wrinkles, Laser for snoring, Tumescent Liposuction, LPG cellulite treatment etc.
All new treatments and techniques are first thoroughly researched and tested before
they are submitted for approval by the Group’s Medical Advisory Board.
For more information on the AS10 range please visit To see
more about the research findings see For information on
AmeriSciences, visit
For more information please contact:
Monique Cockerill or Imogen Fry at Rain Communications Ltd

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