Greenstone Games Launches Facebook Page for Unique New Puzzle Game App for iPad

Released on: February 16, 2012, 12:21 am
Greenstone Games
Fans of Proverbidioms the app can now easily get updates, share, find product information and more.
(Christchurch, New Zealand, February 16, 2012) Greenstone Games announced today that the iPad puzzle game app, Proverbidioms has joined the Facebook community as part of an effort to reach out to fans of puzzle games and introduce them to their soon to be released iPad app based on the painting and poster puzzle, Proverbidioms by T.E. Breitenbach. Whether you are a long time follower of Proverbidioms and T.E Breitenbach or just now being introduced to the engaging picture puzzle the Facebook page will have something for everyone. The owners of the page are very anxious to introduce their new iPad app to picture game enthusiasts and be able to engage with them through the popular social medium.
The Facebook page, titled Proverbidiomsapp, is designed mostly for people who enjoy having fun with picture puzzles and games that increase their knowledge of language arts. Anyone who enjoys a laugh however can find lots of amusement in the puzzle and Greenstone Games seeks to strengthen ties with this audience by promoting dialogue on the page allowing users to share their experiences with the game.
The page features a photo gallery of Proverbidioms screenshots and app descriptions, as well as a direct link to the producers' website, where fans can learn more about the app as well as a other games and offerings of Greenstone Games. Additionally the page will provide a link to the download site where users can download a free version of the app. Viewers will also be able to find more information on the artist T.E. Breitenbach.
"Advancements in technology have brought the poster puzzle into the app age and with the new mediums new opportunities for reaching our audience on different platforms," remarked David Burgess, Marketing Director at Greenstone Game. Our presence on Facebook is a great step forward in the process of gaining access to Proverbidioms enthusiasts and avid puzzle game players.
The Proverbidioms iPad App Facebook Site:

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