Free Press Release Distribution (Submit Press Release)

Free press release distribution guidelines:

Please read carefully the few simple rules as listed below and make sure you follow them to increase your chances of getting your free press release published on and distributed via EPR Network

  • First and foremost, please make sure your press release is a true press release and announces something new. Your press release title must be an announcement (examples: new development, new product launch, new service, new hire, new partnership, new award, new event, new deal, new campaign, new promotion etc., among others). Also, the title is recommended to contain the company name that makes the announcement. Anything found not among the lines above will not be picked up by our editors for distribution via EPR Network and publishing on in particular.
  • Clearly written press releases with correct spelling and grammar are with much higher chances to be picked up by our PR editors.
  • Make sure the news source is clear and easily identifiable. News source is the company or organization issuing the release. It should also be clear how that company or organization relates to the news announcement.
  • Proper and valid contact details are required for your press release to go live on EPR Network.
  • Avoid repetitively submitting the same press release. Duplicated press release submissions within our system will be automatically deleted.
  • Avoid submitting outdated and old press releases. Our PR editors are unlikely to pick them up for distribution.
  • Make sure your press release is formatted properly. Google "press release format" to learn how. Our PR editors will have your press release formatted properly for you if one of our paid PR distribution packages is used.
  • Press releases with optimized anchor text links are less likely to be picked up by our PR editors.
  • No customer service is offered for the free press release distribution service. Customer service and help with your press release is available if one of our featured PR distribution packages is utilized.
  • No guarantee whatsoever as to whether your press release will be accepted for distribution at all.
  • No estimates can be given as to when your press release, if picked up by our PR editors, will go live on our site and via our distribution channels. It all depends on current workload and backlog, and sometimes can take weeks long. Next day distribution is guaranteed if one of paid PR distribution packages is used.
  • Changes, removals, and updates for the press releases distributed under our free package plus all paid press releases older than 30 days since their release dates at the time of the update request do cost $29 per press release, unless court ordered. Those requests will be taken care of by our PR editors on a first come first serve basis, and due to the large number of press releases running on our PR network, no estimates can be given as to when those changes will be made.

Care to upgrade?

With the $59 / $99 / $299 PR distribution packages you'll get (not included with the free release):

  • Greater exposure and visibility;
  • Measured PR reach & reads ($299 only);
  • Targeting options ($299 only);
  • Next day distribution guaranteed;
  • Guaranteed distribution on specific release date;
  • Embargoed press releases are honored as well;
  • Press release ranks above the free ones, $99 ranks above the free and the $59 ones, $299 ranks above all;
  • Press release remains longer on the home page, even longer for the $59 and $99 releases;
  • Comprehensive distribution report;
  • Extended distribution report with the $299 release;
  • Guaranteed inclusion of logo, photos, tags, keywords and video embeds with your release;
  • Guaranteed inclusion of your press release within several relevant industries, the $99 and $299 releases are entitled to up to 5 relevant industries;
  • PDF, DOC versions of your press release;
  • Relevant blog coverage (if applicable), up to 3 relevant blogs cover your press release with the $59 and $99 releases;
  • Relevant U.S. State PR site coverage (part of EPR Network and if applicable);
  • Social media inclusion (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), more social media submissions with the $99 and $299 releases;
  • Free editorial review with the $99 and $299 releases;
  • Customer service, and help with your release, at;
  • Care to learn more? Compare the PR packages.

Submit Press Release (Greater exposure and visibility)

Submit Press Release (Free)