SUWANEE, GA., December 13, 2012, 4:07 pm -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Middle aged Americans are terrified of becoming old and many say they are obsessed with coloring their gray hair. The findings of most people becoming self-conscience about aging, in spite of the old adage of �luring gray is distinguished�, are surprising findings of more than 12 months of ongoing studies, discussions and ramped up product sales of the company's resveratrol.
In recent years, astounding results obtained in laboratories ion vertebrate and invertebrate mammals including mice and fish offer promises on many levels of health and wellness for humans. Consequently, Resveratrol has become the subject of more new scientific studies than almost any chemical compound on earth. �And for Americans, that seems to be more than suitable towards mitigating the signs of aging.
I have tried many products over the years but have never gotten the results that I am getting with your Resveratrol products!!! I have taken Vital-resV & Vital-flex as suggested -every day - two times per day for approx. 3 months. At my recent medical checkup I got amazing results.........HOORAY.........THANK YOU
Resveratrol is a natural chemical compound found in the skin of red grapes, as well as a host of other plants and foods including mulberries, peanuts, and, of course, red wine. Resveratrol is a naturally powerful antioxidant that rids the body of free radicals. Laboratory studies have shown resveratrol protects the heart, may prevent cancer cells from forming, improves insulin sensitivity, increases the number of calories burned during exercise, and filters toxic minerals from the body. provides consumer with the most effect form of resveratrol from its proprietary formula which includes Acai berry extract, Maqui berry extract and Grape seed extract. �The reason Vital-ResV is the most effective resveratrol, is amid the Company's bio-enhanced technology for increased absorption�, says Chris Ingram, President at Vital International.
If you'd like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Chris Ingram, please call 877-500-1969 or email