BFI Birthday for Doctor Who

Released on: February 05, 2013, 2:14 pm
Industry: Travel

Counting down to November’s 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, the BFI continues its Saturday afternoon screenings with ‘Tomb of the Cybermen’.

-- /EPR NETWORK/ -- On February 9th, the BFI Southbank will host a matinee screening of ‘Tomb of the Cybermen', the 1967 episode featuring second Doctor Patrick Troughton in the role. It's the second in a monthly series of episodes leading up to the show's 50th anniversary in November, following on from ‘An Unearthly Child', starring William Hartnell in the title role, which was screened in January.

The 450-seat venue will be saluting a different Doctor every month between now and the end of the year, one for each of the 11 television incarnations and one film, the 1996 tv-movie starring Paul McGann. The countdown culminates on November 23rd, the 50th anniversary of the very first broadcast of the Time Lord's debut adventure.

Of the television show, only the third episode has been announced so far. On March 10th, the BFI will show a colour-restored version ‘The Mind of Evil', featuring Jon Pertwee as the Doctor. The remaining episodes will be announced throughout the year. Each screening will be followed by a Q & A with guests involved in the original production.

Co-curator Justin Johnson insists the series is not just a fanboy love-in. ‘ we won't be assuming that everyone watching will know everything about the show', says Johnson.‘We really want these events to be about introducing people to new material as much as it is about serving the interests of an audience who already knows every last frame, monster and sound effect by heart.'

The screening starts at 2.30 pm. Tickets are available via The website has also announced details of discounted London hotels close to the Southbank, allowing travelling fans to stay in the city at a reasonable cost.

Among the London hotels participating in the offer, the London Marriott County Hall Hotel is reducing the cost of deluxe double and twin rooms to £225 per night, a 33% discount on the standard rate for this luxury hotel. Situated on Westminster Bridge Road, the luxury Marriot is less than ten minutes' walk from the BFI Southbank.

Just as close, the Savoy – a Fairmont hotel – is offering a 44% discount, bringing the cost of a night's stay down to £319. The Savoy is located on the famous Strand. Both London hotels featured are only available at the discounted rate when booking via Visit the site for more information on the Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary at the BFI, and to search for more discounted London hotels.




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