“The Mindset Shift” - How Anyone Can Make Money Online and Transform from an Employee to Entrepreneur Book Launched by Chris and Susan Beesley in Chicago

Released on: April 30, 2013, 7:57 am
Industry: Internet & Online

-- /EPR NETWORK/ -- The Mindset Shift, Co-Authored by Chris and Susan Beesley, Internet Entrepreneurs and Amanda Ollier of The Self Help Bible takes the reader on a journey of personal development shifting their mindset from that of an employee to an entrepreneur, overcoming their worst fears, dealing with the attitude of those around them and the many myths and misconceptions of building a business and the ability to make money online.

Chris and Susan Beesley have become highly successful since setting up their business to make money online. Many people, just like the authors, start out with a job and then realise there is something more inside waiting to escape. The key is "shifting" the mindset from that of an employee to that of an entrepreneur.

The Mindset Shift guides the reader through changing their beliefs and defining their aspirations, overcoming their worst fears and dealing with the attitude of those around them. There are many myths and misconceptions with so many people now looking for alternatives to the traditional job as a result of the recession. “The book includes practical advice and exercises that will literally change their life” says Chris Beesley, “We want to help people become a successful entrepreneur and leave the "working for someone else" mentality behind forever.”

Chris and Susan are both from a professional background as accountants and management consultants. They have owned and run their own businesses since 1983, so making a change from the traditional "time for money" way of life was as much a change for them as it most likely will be for the readers of the book. In The Mindset Shift, they share how they overcame the challenges of making that shift and how in 2009 they made that all important change from working as employees in their management consultancy business to starting a business online.

They now share those experiences in The Mindset Shift so that the reader can shortcut that learning experience and fast track their transition from an employee to an entrepreneur. Their passion for training and coaching, especially people who have never attempted to make money online before, has helped thousands of people all around the world to get started and pursue their dream of financial independence.

Chris and Susan are the Founders of the Ten Ten Formula which shows any home based business owner how to achieve a realistic $2-4K monthly income using the incredible products that the Empower Network provides. They show that with the right mentoring, training and coaching anyone can make money online.

They achieved in excess of $5K monthly residual income within just 6 weeks of joining Empower Network and launching the Ten Ten Formula and have gone on to make over $100K in just 10 months. However, Chris and Susan say that the real recognition goes out to David Sharpe and David Wood for designing such a great program - The Empower Network - that can benefit both novice and advanced marketers. With online training products that are incredibly effective and 100% commission, they say that it's one of the best programs they have ever seen where people really can make money online.

The Mindset Shift provides all of the tools needed to make the shift and give the confidence necessary to go from working for someone else to working for themselves and highly recommended for anyone looking to have success with setting up their own business.

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About Chris and Susan Beesley
Chris and Susan Beesley are a husband and wife partnership passionate about helping home business owners achieve success online. They are the Founders of the Ten Ten Formula Training and leaders in Empower Network, the internet marketing and coaching company empowering thousands of people worldwide to start their own small business and take control of their lives.

For more information on The Mindset Shift and Ten Ten Formula / Empower
Contact: Chris and Susan Beesley
Phone: 0044 7802 85755 (Chris)
Phone: 0044 7850 585400 (Susan)
Email: info@chrisandsusanbeesley.com
Website: ChrisAndSusanBeesley.com




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