RONCO FIBC Offers a Safe, Sustainable Way to Handle, Store and Transport Bulk Foods

Released on: July 30, 2013, 8:03 am
Industry: Industrial

Company's CFIA acceptance and ISO 22000 certification ensure international quality and hygiene standards

-- /EPR NETWORK/ -- In order to meet the safe packaging needs of customers in the food and beverage industry, RONCO is quickly becoming one of Canada's most reliable and efficient sources for Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBC) that meets stringent standards, not only for quality in safe handling but also for conforming to sanitation standards in food safety. FIBC customers seeking to reduce the risk of contamination in their food processes should consider RONCO a value-added partner.

A FIBC � or tote bag, as it is more commonly called � is a thick woven polypropylene or polyethylene bag that is manufactured in large dimensions for the packing and transportation of goods in bulk quantities. RONCO FIBC has been evaluated and accepted by CFIA for food contact and is manufactured to the highest standards for guaranteed safe containment of food products such as grains, seeds, pulses and other food products or additives that are free-flowing granules, powders, pellets or flakes.

RONCO is the first glove and plastic bag manufacturer in North America to obtain ISO 22000 certification for Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS), which verifies that their manufacturing, storage and delivery processes meet, or exceed, the global standards required for food safety.

Ron Pecchioli, RONCO President, explained the brand's ongoing success in a shifting market that is tightening standards and legislation, �FIBC is a commodity to the extent that it is all made in the same patterns from the same raw materials. RONCO's key differentiator is that our FIBC consistently meets rigorous quality and safety criteria and we never compromise either for lower-cost goods. We will always compete on cost, but in the long run, the question must be asked: what is the true price an end-user will pay if his or her goods are destroyed in transit, or deemed unfit for consumption?�

Mr. Pecchioli continued, �When it comes to food safety, we are learning that there is no limit to the costs associated with a brand reputation if it is ruined under public scrutiny for a foodborne illness. As demand for bulk bags grows, RONCO will continue to focus on quality control procedures, and following industry standards and regulations because, in the end, that is what impacts performance for our customers.�

Offered in a number of options for filling and dispensing, RONCO FIBC is strong enough and big enough to offer protection from disastrous spills or leaks � leading to less product waste. Depending on the goods they hold, FIBC can be manufactured for one-time usage, or as �standard-duty reusable�, offering an attractive option for companies seeking a green alternative to packaging. Furthermore, they can be filled by speedier methods that require less energy and operating costs.

Because of their cube-like shapes, FIBC bulk bags reduce costs of packaging and minimize wasted space. They are stackable and easy to handle, which reduces labour, transportation and freight costs. The totes are resistant to aging and degradation under normal conditions and each bag undergoes rigorous testing for strength and durability in relation to its capacity and intended use.

RONCO Senior Product Manager, Edward Aletto, described the care that goes into the production of RONCO food-grade FIBC, �Our products are manufactured under strict supervision and a number of traceability systems are implemented during production. RONCO FIBC is manufactured from 100% new material and the resins used in the poly yarn have to be safe for food. The fabric is cut by ultrasonic machines and threads heat sealed so that they don't contaminate the contents of the bag when it is filled. Each tote is air-cleaned and thoroughly inspected for metal, glass or hard plastic contaminants.�

�Depending on the type of bag, there may be special requirements, such as creating liners or sift-proof seams for powdered goods, continued Mr. Aletto. �Once it is manufactured, RONCO FIBC is securely wrapped, palletized, covered and stored in food-grade warehouse facilities to prevent any risk of contamination. There is no compromising quality to cut costs. This is the RONCO value add.�

Since not all FIBC is suitable for all applications, RONCO Safety Advisors are qualified to assess the goods to be handled in order to assist our customers  in choosing the safest and most efficient method of containment.

Established in 1996, RONCO is a world class manufacturer of plastic bags and safety products for head, hand and body. With a focus on consistent quality and outstanding customer service, RONCO has developed a strong presence across Canada for delivering plastic and safety solutions to end users in food, healthcare and industrial applications.

RONCO was recently ranked No. 403 on the PROFIT 500, the definitive ranking of Canada's Fastest-Growing Companies. For more information, please contact:

Vani Kshattriya

Marketing Manager
905 660 6700 ext. 275

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