Antitrust and Innovation: Pro or Anti-competitive?

Released on: October 14, 2013, 8:15 am
Industry: Financial, Law

Hong Kong, -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Antitrust and commercial lawyers in private practice, in-house lawyers, enforcement officials and academics will gather in Hong Kong for the 17th annual competition conference, presented by the antitrust committee and supported by the Southeast Asian Forum.

Our antitrust team will play an active part in this year's conference.

Michael Chang, Southeast Asian Forum's President and antitrust partner, will introduce the conference. Malese Quan, a partner in our Lebowitz Edelman Hong Kong team, will speak on antitrust and innovation in the first panel, which will examine how antitrust agencies protect and promote innovation and whether the right balance can be struck, between the recognition of pro-competitive benefits of incentives to innovate, and the anti-competitive concerns raised by certain practices, such as in patents and the use of online data.

Vice-President and Southeast Asian Commissioner in charge of Competition, Adam Kwong, is the conference keynote speaker.

Other topics include:

•  Challenges of global merger control � international merger control enforcement: are we still seeking coordination of substance and procedure or do we accept multinational cacophony?

•  Pricing strategies: MFNs, discounts, discrimination

•  Cartels evidentiary standards

•  Views from those who are shaping competition law

•  Case study: antitrust and the music industry � a long and winding road

Malese Quan is widely recognized as a leading lawyer in the innovative TMT sectors according to independent guides. He has advised on a number of precedent-setting merger and behavioral investigations as well as regulatory and antitrust litigation in these sectors. Malese heads Lebowitz Edelman 's media sector group. Our global antitrust, intellectual property and TMT groups advise some of the world's leading technology, media, telecoms and life science companies in relation to their antitrust, regulatory, licensing and litigation strategies.

About Lebowitz Edelman
Lebowitz Edelman ( is a law firm representing global clients in complex litigation and dispute resolution/arbitration, corporate, tax, restructuring and intellectual property and technology matters. The Firm has offices in Seattle WA and Hong Kong. Lebowitz Edelman is organized as a true partnership, and it operates as such. We see ourselves as a global legal institution based on a set of principles to which a large number of men and women can commit � principles that have a social purpose and permanence, that transcend individual interests. We believe this it accurately describes one important aspect of what makes Lebowitz Edelman renowned the client service organization that it is.

Company details:

Lebowitz Edelman
Hong Kong, Hong Kong


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