November 22, 2013, 1:42 pm -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- MyEdge is launching a "first of its kind" social learning platform for students , of all ages and interests, to track and learn from eminent faculty members , seniors and peers from across the world . MyEdge also offers an exciting learning tool called "Virtual Classroom" which provides an opportunity to learn in a classroom environment, from faculty members or peers (group studies). The website is completely based on the idea of sharing with enhancing knowledge by tracking what other members are learning from the comfort of your home. We believe this form of Social Learning Platform and Virtual setting is a path breaking step in the direction of learning and knowledge. Our endeavor is to enable users create an Edge in their area of interest.
Features which will help users at MyEdge:
1) A group of like-minded people can come together and pursue their academic interests;
2) 24×7 Support and guidance;
3) Connect with the intellect of the world without any communication barrier which will help you outperform;
4) Bring learning to your doorstep at no cost;
5) Conduct discussion sessions, organize classes with teachers and exchange notes through virtual setting;
6) Parents can discuss and share their concerns especially working parents who don't have the time to go to many websites - find your answers here by connecting with faculty members and other parents;
7) Teachers can share their knowledge with students from across the world and create sub-groups based on subjects, age or any other learning preference and can also keep themselves updated on what's new;
Professionals who aspire for higher education and have academic interests can keep abreast with the latest news and developments;
With above outstanding features MyEdge categorizes the members of the website into three broad groups: Students (13+ years), Teachers and Parents. Take your pick on who can help you better in realizing your dreams!
Members under Students' Group:
Children and young adults currently pursuing academic studies in schools, colleges, universities or other higher education institutions. Working professionals seeking to pursue further education or desirous of keeping abreast with the latest developments in the field of academics.
Members under Teachers' Group:
Permanent, visiting, present or past faculty members associated with the teaching profession in a formal or informal basis.
Members under Parents' Group:
Parents whose wards are presently pursuing education, secondary or higher, or plan to pursue education in the future