Dacula, GA, November 22, 2013, 1:37 pm -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Sports Challenge Network, LLC (�SCN�) today announced the launch of its special Thanksgiving tradition � the XBowling Turkey Challenge, which runs from today until midnight PST on November 24. In the olden days of bowling (late 1800s/early 1900s), bowling center proprietors would often give out prizes to the first bowler who would bowl 3 strikes in a row, a very difficult accomplishment in those days. A turkey was a common prize offered to these skilled players and the term �Turkey� was coined to denote such an event.
In XBowling's modern version of this challenge, XBowlers will compete for the top 15 spots to win a $75 gift certificate to HoneyBaked Ham for a holiday Turkey (or Ham) just in time for the Thanksgiving Day feast. The Challenge offers two ways to win: to be 1 of the top 10 players to bowl the most �Turkeys� during the six days of the contest or to be the star of 1 of the top 5 Thanksgiving-themed bowling videos as voted by XBowlers around the world on the XBowling Facebook page.
�We are pleased to offer bowlers and bowling centers a fun and innovative way to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday celebrations with XBowling,� said Timothy J. Minard, founder and CEO of SCN. �Bowling and Turkeys have been connected for quite some time. We're trying to help celebrate that connection in a fun way,� continued Minard.
In an interesting and fun twist, SCN has created an entertaining parody of the popular YouTube video �What Does The Fox Say?� to promote the Challenge, casting the fox and the turkey as antagonists. The video is available on YouTube and Facebook.
About Sport Challenge Network:
Sports Challenge Network, LLC (�SCN�) was established in 2010 with the goal of increasing participation and creating new types of experiences and competition within recreational sports by harnessing the power of mobile and social technology. SCN apps offer players and fans new game experiences through personalization, challenges and contests, rewards, and social connections. SCN will be the primary destination in the app universe, and on the Web, for fans, players, and other participants who want to compete and have fun with their favorite sports in new ways. More information can be found at XBowling.com, Twitter and Facebook.
About XBowling:
XBowling is a social mobile application that offers bowlers an opportunity to engage in new types of gaming experiences at bowling centers around the world. Players can compete against each other in live Head to Head Challenges while bowling in the same center or different centers around the country and the world.They can also compete against games previously bowled and �posted� on the XBowling network. Players can also enter �solo� Challenges, such as XBowl Mania, Lotto Bowl, or Beat Your Average, competing to achieve a certain game or frame result. Players can win points every time they play through gameplay, skill, and social interactions that allow them to build their XBowling leaderboard status and redeem their accumulated points forgreat merchandise and sports gear through the app or the web. Over the last two years, the XBowling platform has recorded over 750 million balls thrown at XBowling-enabled centers.XBowling is currently available on Apple IoS and Google Android devices, via free downloads from the App Store and Google Play.
Bowling is the largest recreational sport in the world with over 130 million annual participants globally. In the US alone, 70 million people bowl at least once a year, 10 million people bowl at least once a month, and millions of people bowl 7 million games each day.
Gene Chayevsky
Sports Challenge Network, LLC
Dacula, GA