The Australian International Lottery Agency Prepares For The A$30 Million Australian Megadraw

Released on: December 17, 2013, 1:48 pm
Industry: Entertainment

-- /EPR NETWORK/ -- The Australian International Lottery Agency (AILA) has announced that the sales for the January 4th 2014, A$30 Million Australian Megadraw have commenced. Lottery players from around the world are now joining the popular AILA Megadraw syndicates in hopes of winning a share of the massive jackpot.

A spokesperson for AILA stated, �The Australian Megadraws are always extremely popular due to the fact that these huge lottery events only take place a few times a year and have larger than usual Jackpots. It's a great time to play!�

Players that wish to take part in these large events are invited to join AILA pools or syndicates that offer a better chance of winning and sales so far have been exceptional. �We do see a large increase in volume when these draws take place, but of course we always plan for that, and our contact center staff are ready to assist those wishing to participate in the first big event of 2014,� the spokesperson further added.

This is indeed the first major Australian Megadraw of 2014, and those who get involved could get their year off to a great start. One can get in the draw by either using the recently-upgraded AILA website or calling the contact center and speaking to an AILA agent directly.

Over the years AILA has produced some big winners such as Mr. J.B. of Europe, �It is with great joy that I heard I had won in the Australian lotteries�I've never won such a sum! I thank all the team at AILA for the smooth running of your services,� or Ms. C.M. of Oceania, �It's certainly nice to win something. You keep me up to date on draws and results. The people I deal with are lovely.�

The spokesperson continued with, �We have seen that with improvements to the website, more and more of our members are using it, as it provides a simple interface to buy lottery tickets online. We've also made it easy for our customers to purchase on any device with our mobile-friendly site, as more of our customers are buying that way. The addition of the shopping cart really has been good for our members, and we are continually looking for ways to improve our service.�

About Australian International Lottery Agency
The Australian International Lottery Agency (AILA) was established in 1999 and has many years of experience in the lottery industry, providing its customers with professional assistance via many channels from its international service center. Focusing on Australian lottery products, AILA provides a complete service from ticket purchase to personalized results delivery, as well as currencies conversion and final payment to players.  Since 1999, AILA's worldwide customers have been purchasing and winning millions of dollars in a safe and secure environment.

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