"What’s Great About You! For All Children In The World” Book Just Released

Released on: December 09, 2013, 4:34 pm
Industry: Media

Based on the International Program Transforming Children's Lives

CARY, NC, -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- After seeing the success of the program provided by I'm A Great Child Worldwide SM to transform children's lives, even those facing tremendous challenges, founder and program manager Janet Bauer set out to create a book to help expand the program's reach and empower more children across the globe. Now she is pleased to announce the international release of What's Great About You! For All Children in the World.

“I believe there is a seed of greatness in every child.” said Bauer. “I ask caring adults, ‘What if you could draw out the best in your children?  What if they could recognize it for themselves?' ”  Bauer added, “Teachers, nonprofit staffs, and other professionals have taught this program in seven languages to thousands of youth, and we've seen children change their lives on their own initiative.  For example, students who had been bullied by others or doing poorly in their school work transformed themselves into confident, productive learners with many friends.  And when other children saw their friends change, they became inspired and asked to learn the program too.”

Bauer wrote the book to reach thousands more youth by providing program activities to children who do not have access to attending the program classes. The book also includes inspiring stories written by children in Africa who faced some of the most difficult challenges, yet transformed their lives in a variety of situations and helped others to change as well.

The book's goal is to help empower children, ages 6 to 17, by enhancing their natural strengths, self-esteem, and confidence. Featuring concepts from the proven program that has been taught in five countries, the book provides materials in a format that children can easily understand and use alone, or with the guidance of adults in class or at home.

By implementing the fun and thought-provoking activities from What's Great About You! For All Children in the World , children can quickly learn what is specifically great about themselves, explore their dreams for the future through drawing and writing, discover and respect what is great in others, and more. At the same time, adults can learn some easy methods for ensuring that children and teens achieve results from these lessons and have a positive experience as well.

What's Great About You! For All Children in the World can be purchased for the retail price of $15.95 through Amazon.com and all major online book retailers worldwide. Bulk purchases with discounts of up to 50 percent are available by ordering through the publisher, Wheatmark, which ships throughout the world. Wheatmark can be reached at orders@wheatmark.com or by calling (520) 798-0888 extension 3 in the United States.

Bauer has also announced a unique “ Get a Book, Give a Book ” campaign: Get a book for your child by ordering from your favorite online book retailer.  Give a copy to one or more children in poverty to help them transform their lives by donating $19.95 for each book (includes global shipping and handling) at www.GreatChildWorldwide.org.  All proceeds from sales of the book benefit I'm A Great Child Worldwide SM , a fiscally sponsored project of United Charitable Programs (UCP), a registered 501(c)(3) public charity. Through UCP Bauer is able to focus solely on her program's charitable works, rather than the administrative burdens a nonprofit can have. All donations to I'm A Great Child Worldwide SM are tax-deductible.


The 80-page, 8.5 X 11 inches, paperback includes:

- Activities for youth to discover what makes them great by focusing on their natural strengths, to explore their dreams for the future through drawing and writing, to discover and respect what is great in others, and more.

- Inspiring stories written by children in Africa who faced enormous challenges, yet positively changed their lives after using this program.

-  A poem and a list for every day that encourage children to remember and use what they have learned.

-  Colorful illustrations by children in Africa.

-  Tips for teachers, parents and caring adults on how they can use this book to help children.


Janet Bauer has served as an international trainer, coach and speaker. In 2001 she began dedicating her services to help empower children, especially those who are most vulnerable.  She developed the What's Great About You® program, which is provided by I'm A Great Child Worldwide, which she founded.  Bauer has directly taught children, teens, teachers, parents, caregivers, nonprofit staffs, and college students in Kenya, South Africa, Botswana and the United States.


I'm A Great Child Worldwide SM has been a nonprofit project in the United States since 2008.  The program it provides has been taught to thousands of children in the United States, Kenya, South Africa, Botswana, and recently Haiti. The program, taught in seven languages, empowers youth by enhancing their natural strengths, confidence, and speaking skills. The nonprofit has also trained teachers and staff at other organizations. In the United States, the program has been taught in schools where most children come from poverty, in homeless shelters, centers for victims of domestic violence, and in clubs for children at risk. In Africa, the program has been taught in schools in extreme poverty areas, centers for orphans and vulnerable children, and  informal settlements and rural villages. For more information, visit http://greatchildworldwide.org .


UCP's mission is to empower people to help others by fiscally sponsoring targeted charitable programs that effect positive change through charitable, educational, scientific, or religious actions worldwide. UCP programs vary in size, budget and scope, but all share the desire to make a difference in the lives of others. For more information about UCP and fiscal sponsorship, please visit www.UnitedCharitablePrograms.org .

Partners :

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Upstate, USA

HOPE worldwide in South Africa

HOPE worldwide Kenya


Media Contacts:
Jordan Smith
MMI Public Relations
(919) 233-6600

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