Innefu Launches India’s First One Click Authentication For SmartPhones

Released on: January 15, 2014, 2:27 pm
Industry: Electronics

NEW DELHI, -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Taking a critical step ahead of the now famous Two Factor Authentication security solution, New Delhi-based Innefu Labs has announced the launch of India's first One Click Authentication for its client base using smart phones. One Click Authentication is the latest Two Factor Authentication framework to come out of Innefu's R&D labs.

One Click Authentication is the latest and most innovative Two Factor Authentication system which removes the concept of �One Time Passwords' and introduces �One Click Authentication'.  The system effectively removes the whole architecture of One Time Password, and awaits a single command � �Approve' or �Deny' from the user to grant or deny him access. The user does not have to generate and enter his One Time Password at any point. Two Factor Authentication is implemented by mapping the user's identity to his Smartphone.

Anytime a user wishes to log in using Two Factor Authentication a �push' notification is sent to his smart phone with details of the authentication request and an option to approve or deny the request at a click of a button.

  • How it Works

AuthShield �One Click Authentication' uses AuthShield Push and Authentication server. Anytime an authentication request is received from the user, AuthShield Push server pushes a notification with login details and timestamp. The notification allows the user to �Approve' or Deny' the request. Once the user �Approves' the request, the authentication server validates the authentication requests and grants access.

In case, the user denies the request, authentication server blocks access to the authentication request.

  • Seamless Integration

AuthShield One Click offers seamless integration for Two Factor Authentication to financial transactions, web applications, VPN, mail solutions, remote server and Active Directory Login, cloud and ERP solutions. A simple to deploy and easy to use authentication package allows users to set up a strong two factor authentication system in minutes.

A Software Development Kit (SDK) is also available which enables direct integration with organization's cloud services. SDK can also be used to build AuthShield Two Factor Authentication into application's sign-in or transaction processes, thereby leveraging application's existing user database.

  • AuthShield One Click

o             Patented Design

o             Two Factor Authentication without any One Time Password

o             Simple deployment for distributed database of users

o             Easy to use Two Factor Authentication Solution

o             No user information apart from user names is required for Two Factor Authentication

About Innefu Labs

Innefu  is a ISO 9001 : 2008 research oriented Information Security consulting group specializing in meeting the Information Security needs of the consumer via specialized products and services.

Innefu offers a complete gamut of Information Security services under one roof which includes patented and patent pending products:

  • AuthShield � Two Factor Authentication
  • Internet Interception & Monitoring System
  • Tactical Internet Monitoring System
  • Link Analysis

Innefu provides organizations with Two Factor Authentication based on something a user knows, and something he physically has in his possession.

Innefu's Two Factor Authentication systems are :

  • AuthShield Soft Token
  • AuthShield Hard Token
  • AuthShield USB Based Token
  • AuthShield Mobile Based Token
  • AuthShield Image Match Login
  • AuthShield �One Click Authentication'

For more information, contact:

Innefu Labs Pvt Ltd

A-2/24 Shakti Nagar Ext., Delhi, India

Phone: +91.11.4706.5866, 4706.5864

Fax: +91.11.2391.0575


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