India, March 13, 201 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Brainvire, a leading mobile solutions company unveiled the newest features for its mobile CRM app JotCall. The plethora of new features includes ability to search contacts, to edit notes directly from contacts and an enhanced graphical user interface. These advanced features are will definitely make information handier and contacts and conversations better organized.
Adding to JotCall's list of rich features, these advanced features will significantly improve the usability and user experience. The newly added features are available for free, and existing JotCall users can update their version by a simple install from Google's Play Store.
“Year after year, there are new Androids launched which are packed with functionalities for users. Many a times, it's not easy for a user to efficiently utilize the potential of these features. We created JotCall with a powerful environment to enable easy to use features and easy to access information for those on the go.” - stated the CEO of Brainvire.
Expanding its current features, JotCall adds a host of new capabilities for search, edit, and quickly find information via its newly designed intelligent interface. When a user upgrades to the current version of the app, the following features are added to the existing lot:
INTUITIVE USER INTERFACE – Taking into account customer feedback, and looping it into the new version of the product, JotCall now has an enhanced IU that is more intuitive and has flexible navigation to increase user experience.
ACCESS AND EDIT INFORMATION – Staying updated with information at anytime is now easy! Take notes and organize them per contact basis and within a few clicks you can save important information within a few clicks. Users need not worry any more about losing important data.
ADD NOTES AND SET REMINDERS – Now users can add notes without having to wait for the contact to be visible in Call Logs. The nots can be added directly to the contact in the phone book. Reminders can be set to the notes and all upcoming reminders can be viewed in one place.
ADVANCED SEARCH & DELETE CONTACTS AND NOTES OPTION– Key contacts and relevant notes can be searched easily by entering text in the search bar. Swiping to the right now displays information about date, text, or removes contact and notes.
In addition to all of the above, JotCall also introduces strong Cloud Server Capabilities and improves functionalities in the mobile CRM arena. Users can now access critical information anywhere, anytime – with the seamless integration of JotCall to other CRM systems!
To experience these new features and learn more about Jotcall please visit now!